  Resumes starting with C
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customer service                                     AE----                    
customer service                                     ZA----                    
Customer Service                             01475   US-MA-Winchendon          
customer service                             89077   US-NV-Henderson           
customer service                                     KE----Westlands           
Customer service                                     AE----Satwa               
Customer service                                     AE----Al Jurf             
Customer service                                     AE----Dubai               
customer service                                     DE----Berlin              
customer service                                     KE----Nairobi             
Customer Service                                     US-Du-Dubai               
Customer service                                     AE----Satwa               
Customer Service                                     US-Do-Doha                
Customer Service                             89199   US-NV-Las Vegas           
Customer service                                     KE----Nairobi West        
customer service                             80997   US-CO-Colorado Springs    
Customer service                                     KE----                    
Customer Service                                     QA----Fereej Ibn Dirhem   
Customer service                                     KE----Naivasha            
customer service                                     KE----                    
Customer Service                             80329   US-CO-Boulder             
Customer Service                             80553   US-CO-Fort Collins        
Customer service                                     AE----Dubai               
CUSTOMER SERVICE                                     KE----Mombasa             
Customer service                             02806   US-RI-Barrington          

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