  Resumes starting with C
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Customer service                             75398   US-TX-Dallas              
customer service                                     PL----Mysłowice        
Customer service                                     US-Du-Dubai               
customer service                                     MU----                    
Customer service                                     AE----Dubai               
Customer service                             42129   IE----Cork                
Customer service                             64508   US-MO-St. Joseph          
Customer Service                             08527   US-NJ-Jackson             
Customer service                                     TH----Bangkok             
Customer Service                             73072   US-OK-Norman              
Customer Service                             48086   US-MI-Southfield          
Customer Service                             80138   US-CO-Parker              
customer service                                     GB----Grantham            
Customer Service                                     KE----Irobi               
Customer Service                             01510   US-MA-Clinton             
Customer service                             44133   US-OH-North Royalton      
Customer Service                             N2V 2Y8 US-ON-Waterloo            
Customer Service                                     US----                    
Customer Service                                     GH----                    
Customer Service                             23479   US-VA-VIRGINIA BEACH      
Customer Service                             33474   US-FL-Boynton Beach       
Customer Service                                     US----Queluz de Baixo     
Customer Service                                     AE----Dubai               
Customer Service                             44513   US-OH-Boardman            
Customer service                                     QA----Doha                

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