  Resumes starting with C
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Customer Service                             45999   US-OH-Cincinnati          
Customer service                             64086   US-MO-Lee's Summit        
customer service                                     KE----Nairobi             
Customer Service                                     KE----                    
Customer Service                             80401   US-CO-Lakewood            
Customer service                             45343   US-OH-Miamisburg          
Customer service                                     US----                    
customer service                                     US----Nairobi             
Customer service                                     US----Doha                
Customer service                             43299   US-OH-Columbus            
Customer service                             43299   US-OH-Columbus            
Customer service                                     US----Westlands           
Customer service                             07676   US-NJ-Hillsdale           
Customer service                                     OM----                    
Customer Service                             17822   US-PA-Danville            
Customer service                                     AE----Satwa               
Customer Service                                     US-Ta-Rajapalayam         
Customer Service                             30722   US-GA-Dalton              
Customer service                                     AE----Al Jurf             
Customer service                                     ZA----Strathavon          
Customer Service                                     AE----Dubai               
Customer service                             60604   US-IL-Chicago             
Customer Service                             60604   US-IL-Chicago             
Customer service                                     NG----                    
Customer Service                             75071   US-TX-McKinney            

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