  Resumes starting with C
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Customer Service                             91335   US-CA-Los Angeles         
Customer Service                             32899   US-FL-Orlando             
Customer Service                             39901   US-GA-Atlanta             
Customer Service                             77299   US-TX-Houston             
Customer Service                             34613   US-FL-Spring Hill         
Customer Service                             32095   US-FL-Saint Augustine     
Customer Service                             60068   US-IL-Park Ridge          
Customer Service                             27699   US-NC-Raleigh             
customer service                             13290   US-NY-Syracuse            
Customer Service                             35487   US-AL-Tuscaloosa          
customer service                             44134   US-OH-Parma               
customer service                             44139   US-OH-Solon               
Customer service                                     US-Ka-Bangalore           
Customer service                                     TZ----Magomeni            
Customer Service                                     US-ON-Rolston             
Customer Service                             60604   US-IL-Chicago             
Customer Service                                     US-Ka-Kampala District    
Customer Service                             29457   US-SC-Johns Island        
Customer Service                                     US-Ta-Chennai             
Customer Service                             L3Y 9G2 US-ON-Newmarket           
customer service                                     KE----Irobi               
customer service                                     US----                    
Customer Service                             32899   US-FL-Orlando             
Customer service                                     GH----Accra               
customer service                                     JP----Tokyo               

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