  Resumes starting with C
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Customer Service                             89199   US-NV-Las Vegas           
Customer Service                                     ZA----                    
Customer Service                             11256   US-NY-Brooklyn            
Customer Service                                     KE----                    
Customer Service                             44199   US-OH-Cleveland           
Customer service                                     US-Ma-Manila              
customer service                             20886   US-MD-Montgomery Village  
customer service                                     KE----Nairobi             
Customer service                                     AE----Dubai               
Customer Service                             06699   US-CT-Bridgeport          
Customer service                                     KE----Nairobi             
Customer service                             07002   US-NJ-Bayonne             
Customer service                                     KE----Nairobi             
Customer Service                             37450   US-TN-Chattanooga         
Customer service                             24115   US-VA-Martinsville        
Customer service                                     KE----                    
Customer Service                             P0M 1A0 US-ON-Alban               
Customer service                             33898   US-FL-Lake Wales          
Customer Service                             33467   US-FL-Wellington          
Customer service                                     PH----Makati City         
Customer service                                     AE----Musaffah            
Customer Service                             53719   US-WI-Fitchburg           
Customer service                             24526   US-VA-Big Island          
Customer Service                             66204   US-KS-Merriam             
Customer service                             92522   US-CA-Riverside           

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