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PHONE NUMBER AVAILABLEEMAIL AVAILABLELead Android DeveloperSummary.Result-driven professional with over 12 years of experience in Android programming with 9 published Android appsWell versed in building, integrating, testing, and supporting Android applications for mobile and tablet devices on the Android platform4+ years experience building app with Kotlin languageDesigned various applications using optimal architectural design patterns (Model View Controller, Model View Presenter, Model View ViewModel).Proficient in using best UI/UX best practices implementing fragments, diverse layouts, animations, Material Design, Compound Views, and Custom Views.Experienced in integrating Android mobile apps with web services using Retrofit, Volley, Async Task, OkHTTP, JSON, GSON, REST, Intent Services, Handlers, Threads, Runnable, and LoopersExtensive experience with source control code repositories such as Git, GitHub, and GitLab using tools like SourceTree as well as the command line.Familiar and experienced using Figma and Zeplin for the UI / UX designs and flow.Skilled at working on Google Material Design, Text Views, Web Views, Navigation Drawer, Floating Action Button, Widgets, Compound View, Custom View, Recycler View, View Pager and Tab Layout, FragmentsExperience writing test cases and testing with Robotium, Junit, Espresso, Mockito, etc.Experience with embedded local storage solutions such as SQLite, Room DB, Shared Preferences, Encrypted Shared Preferences, internal storage, external storage, and cloud storage with Firebase.Collaborates well with cross-functional teams, finding ways to add value for other teams, and contribute to overall quality and success of application.Experience refactoring Java code to Kotlin, eliminating null pointer exceptions.Used Kotlin coroutines for asynchronous calls and handle threading.Work with GSON and Jackson library to parse JSON files on the Android project.Implemented serialization natively using Kotlin serialization plugins.Experience with continuous integration tools like Jenkins or Travis CI and automated testing frame Experience in working with Android SMS Manager, Location Manager, Google Maps, APIs, and Ajax.Experience using 3rd party libraries for image loading, notifications, and web services.Work with internal QA teams on system, performance, and acceptance testing.Familiar with jetpack compose allowing to have rich UI and faster development.Contribution Android teams with mentoring, development, and extensive code reviews.Able to develop consistent, reliable code that is efficient and clean.Proactive self-learner skilled in adapting to new technologies, such as Smart Watches, Chromecast, and Smart TV devices.Experience creating custom animation with XML and jetpack composeWorked with continuous integration servers (Jenkins, Hudson, Travis) and implemented simultaneous testing on various devices.Experience building extensive UI graphs using third party libraries and androidx libraries from jetpackHands-on with Android Data Binding with Jet Pack and use of Jet Pack View Models.Excellent communicator and leader who works closely with Product, Design and Back-End teams.SkillsetFrameworkEfficiency ToolsTesting, Analytics, CI/CDProject ManagementKotlinJavaRESTRxJavaGSONAndroid PMVPMVVMAndroid StudioEclipseAndroid NDKMockitoSketchJUnitGoogle AnalyticsCrashlyticsEspressoJenkinsHugoCircle-CIMixpanelRobotiumGit/GitHub/GitLabScrum/AgileJiraAPIs, Libraries, and classesBrainTree SDKExoPlayerParcelerDagger2OkHTTPRetrofitIntentServicesDoze ModeVideoViewLoadersLeakCanaryJetPackVolleyJobSchedulerGoogle Cloud MessagingEventBusTimberSpongyCastleCalligraphyAndroidAnnotationsMPAndroidChartOttoUrban AirshipConcepts and implementation patternsSingletonServicesAdapterMaterial DesignIoTData ClassHandlersPush NotificationsBluetooth/BLEExtension FunctionAES/CipherFactoryBuilderDependency InjectionChromecastMaterial DialogsWork HistoryWalmart USSunnyvale, Cali (Remote)Lead Android Developer August 2023 Currenthttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.walmart.android HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.walmart.android&hl=en_US"& HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.walmart.android&hl=en_US"hl=en_USProject Description: I joined the team to develop the Interactive Image Carousel feature, which took a couple of months to complete. It is now in selective release on two pages of the Walmart app. Currently, I am working on a new feature, the infinite scroll, and we are still in the process of finalizing the requirements.Utilized CLEAN architecture principles to maintain robust and scalable code.Conducted thorough UI and unit testing to ensure the reliability and performance of features.Implemented the Singleton design pattern where applicable.Collaborated with a diverse team including four Android developers, four iOS developers, a Scrum Master, a QA specialist, a design team, and a back-end team.Used Jira for issue tracking, Teams for communication, and Outlook for email management.Planned feature releases and managed the development cycle efficiently.Facilitated the onboarding process and mentored a team of 3 new Android developers, providing code walkthroughs and necessary resources.Developed a horizontal recycler view with clickable buttons. Tasks included:Designing the button UI and associated image UI.Implementing GraphQL calls and validating the responses.Handling analytics integration and ensuring accurate data collection.Registering the feature for use by other modules and teams.Testing the feature on relevant team pages to ensure UI, functionality, and analytics accuracy.Requiring over 90% code coverage on each pull request before merging.Currently working on a vertical recycler view with infinite scroll and various view types, with ongoing discussions to finalize requirements.Engaged in meetings with the back end, design, and analytics teams to finalize the backend model, feature design, and required analytics data for both the InteractiveImageCarousel and the ongoing infinite scroll feature.Presented feature demonstrations to the product team for feedback and approval.Addressed design-related UI bugs such as text visibility issues and incorrect measurements as pointed out by the design team.Fixed analytics bugs identified by the analytics team, including missing properties and incorrect data generation.Ensured alignment with the platform team's app architecture (MVVM) using viewstate, transformers, models, and delegates.Created a new module for the team, supporting the development of new features.CVSRoyal Oak, MI (Remote)Lead Android Developer Jan 2022 Jul 2023https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cvs.launchers.cvs HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cvs.launchers.cvs&hl=en_US&gl=US"& HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cvs.launchers.cvs&hl=en_US&gl=US"hl=en_US HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cvs.launchers.cvs&hl=en_US&gl=US"& HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cvs.launchers.cvs&hl=en_US&gl=US"gl=USCreating a feature flag to use a new API for store Locator and mapping the new API response to the existing data model.Creating Coupon UI in compose using Card, Row, Column, etc. for the Care pass Dashboard.Fixing UI bugs such as text cutting off in the UI, Image doesnt appear, the UI doesnt match the design spec, etc.Fixing text that doesnt get announced or is incorrectly announced - with using status message or moving the grouping around or clear semantics to set new semantics.Testing end to end flows using different accounts to make sure correct data is shown to the user depending on their account status.Creating defect tickets from testing - UI bug, or backend relatedTesting dev tickets ex. Feature flag needs to be added - the dev generates the test built on circle CI/ Jenkins and uploaded to firebase.Implemented animations for the UI buttons and image animationsDesigned and implemented alert notifications to the user by using Rx Java and Rx KotlinExperienced with Test-Drive Development using JUnit and MockitoDesigned new feature ratings and reviews pages from start to finish, increasing the views to the pages by 86%Developed an innovative solution of processing the back stack navigation.Implemented MVVM design pattern in the development of ratings and review pages, scaling up the pages by 150%Performed weekly code review peer Android developers' codes to ensure testable, reliable, and robust code.Wrote a tutorial on how to deploy Android apps on Google Play Store on internal Confluence DocumentUsed Google Fit SDK to collect information from the fitness tracker and graph this data in real-time.Analyzed Firebase Crashlytics and Analytics to draw testing/business decision to QA/PO.Build a multivariant component that fetches data from the backend and renders then in a React JS using two-way data binding.Used data sent from Content Management Systems to deliver dynamic layout on the shop home screen, increasing the views by multi-fold.Used Jetpack compose to design new pages for write a review screen and the new shop home screen.Used Kotlin coroutines for asynchronous calls and handle threading.Resolve existing production defects with Criteo API on the PLP screens and increase the accurate ads-displaying by 50%Refactor existing data binding xml into Jetpack compose on shop product listing page (PLP) and shop product page (PDP)Coordinated with DeVos engineers to ensure efficient and on-time delivery of the application to the app store.Used Figma to do integration testing and have the bets user experience possible.Figma experience to build POC and provide extensive and fast feedback about UI implementationRefactor existing Java code into Kotlin code.Used Postman to test authentication API and Commit APIUse Charles Proxy and Chucker to verify network request/response on Android DeviceLiaised with back-end engineer to make sure better design of the REST API data model objects and triage issues from design.Merged existing FSA (Front-store attach) page to the core shop flow.Fixed existing accessibility problems in the core shop and photo module.PayPalSan Jose, CASr. Android App Developer Apr 2021 Jan 2022https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paypal.android.p2pmobile HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paypal.android.p2pmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US"& HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paypal.android.p2pmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US"hl=en_US HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paypal.android.p2pmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US"& HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.paypal.android.p2pmobile&hl=en_US&gl=US"gl=USMade talk back work on emulator for accessibility testing.Created analytics events and participated with the analytics team to confirm if everything was working correctly.Used Figma tool to handle the UI designs and have close communication and feedback from UI/UX teamWrote UI tests in Espresso for views to show the deals data returned from backend.Completed bug fixes on loading spinner style and visibility for List page.Added common Error page UI on List Page to show if it failed in event for network call failed to get data handled.Added an Error page with toolbar on Store Details page so the error page would not block the back button.Created a view called Large card and Hero Flex.Updated view small card with 3 types of layouts it can show. It was showing offer and non rewards store and I added rewards store.Uncovered a bug with their views that had a save to wallet button that did not match the required styles. Engaged with UI Manager and created a ticket and fixed issue.On views that show a offer they have a label on it which shows when it was last used or when it expires. It was not showing correctly. I corrected the problem.For the page Store detail, I hid some sections based on a feature flag. Also added a section to take the user to a new page.Implemented UI animation to the custom views for the payment check out feature.Worked with the CI team to have them generate Espresso test results separately on Jenkins for pr builds.Upgraded code pertaining to some of the views that they used that were programmed in Kotlin synthetic. I reformatted them to use view bindings.Leveraged the flutter bloc package for testing BlocBuilder, facilitating widget building in response to state changes within the app and enhancing overall development efficiency.Developed custom packages in Flutter, harnessing functionalities and APIs from native Android and iOS platforms to extend the app's capabilities and enhance user experience.StarbucksSeattle, WASr. Android Developer Nov 2019 Apr 2021https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.starbucks.mobilecardCollaborated in a medium team of 6 Android Developers, 6 iOS Developers, 8 Web Developers and 10 QE following TDD methodology in a 3-week Sprint cycle with Retrospective.Refactoring code from MVP design pattern to MVVM design pattern to make use of new Lifecycle aware components.Implemented View Model Android Jetpack Lifecycle aware to control access of the data from the View and expose the data with Observable Lifecycle aware container.Enable Location Service Manager to keep track of user location.Enabled in-app Map Navigation to easily identify stores close by the user's last known location.Create background services to use Location Services to notify the user about special deals in their favorite local store.Created Geo Fences with dwell logic to enable Audio Service accordingly to store audio service.Collaborated with runtime permissions settings and created permissions rationale to provide friendly and explicit reasons for Location Service permissions.Added Localytics for in-app behavior tracking and usage, including location, gender, preferences and interests.Created a module using Kotlin to add a weather section which included location selector, using Google Places API.Created multiple Custom Views to make the application more scalable and reuse most of the components in multiple fragments.Substituted Fragments with Custom Views, where applicable, to make the lifecycle of the application cleaner and easier to maintain.Created unit testing and instrument tests using jUnit, Mockito, Espresso, Roboelectric and Cucumber to achieve 90% of code coverage.Collaborated in the Pull Request approval team, enforcing unit tests, re-usability of the code, detecting code smells and applying SOLID principles to the code.Implemented Airship push notifications system and created target audience to identify users that havent recently purchased anything from their local store.Created Custom Notifications to handle deeplink navigation with Synthetic Back stack and Pending Intent to navigate inside the application.Implemented CardIo payment along with Google Wallet and Visa SDK to provide multiple solutions to payment.Augmented the app's performance utilizing tools like React Native Performance and debugging tools like React Native Debugger, identifying, and resolving any performance bottlenecks to provide a smooth and responsive user experience.Improved app performance with React Native Hermes and Redux state optimization.Patient Medical Records & Appointments for DoctorsDublin, OHSr Android Developer Jun 2018 - Nov 2019https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=us.drpad.drpadappHelped define the development environment and communicate the best development practices within the organization (i.e., code reviews, testing, etc.).Worked closely with other teams (Stakeholders, Product and UX) to drive product development in an iterative and agile way.Fully participated in the relevant scrum events, planning and estimation, daily scrums, sprint reviews, and retrospectives.Defined business rules for data manipulation and then processed the user's data with the help of Model and passed the results back to the View in MVC architecture.Creating and updating patient's appointments, visit history, and medical records locally using Realm database library.Working with Calendar API to send SMS and/or email appointment reminders.Automatically sync to secure AWS cloud at a specific time (Save data to cloud automatically) using IntentServices and AlarmManager API.Automated scheduling of network requests and transparent disk and memory response caching with standard HTTP with Volley library.Pair-program to work on Google CData Client library for HTTP transport, error handling, authentication, JSON parsing, media download/upload, and batching.Incorporated VuDroid library to enable PDF functionality within the app.Created Custom view circular ImageView to display profile images, material Dialogs, graphs, tabs and custom progress bars.Worked with Behavior Driven Development frameworks such as Cucumber.FOX News Network, LLCNew York, NYSr. Mobile App Developer June 2017 - June 2018https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.foxnews.androidIntroduced a free 10-minute preview of Fox News Channel & Fox Business Network channels for a specific region using product flavours.Worked on Live events and exclusive programming with streaming coverage domain and network module.Implemented several libraries for Kotlin effort, like RxKotlin, Kotlin-kapt and Android KTX.Replaced Google In-App purchases with Amazon In-App Purchasing API to offer digital content, subscriptions for Video on Demand and Live TV.Successfully refactored module created in MVC to MVVM design pattern using base data-binding library.Included token-based authentication with Google in the existing login screen of the application.Stabilizing the app by fixing memory leaks using LeakCanary, avoid ANR and Out of memory exceptions.Modifying the internal Realm database adding fields to store news information locally using data managers and content providers.Pair Program to implement 128-bit encryption to protect customer data in transit and on device using Java Cryptography Architecture and Android Crypto API.Improved background processing services using foreground services, JobSchedulers and FCM to selectively wake the application up when network events occur.Making the clean cache mechanism to clear all user preferences and selections, visitor tokens, and all credentials when the user logs out.Exploring and integrating the multi-window and drag-and-drop management feature for Android 7 preview N.Working in Pair Programming from Driver and Navigator across several iterations in the project strategy to reduce the learning curve on the customs process and custom SDK.Enrich user identities, segment and activate audiences, measure and optimize campaigns across all connected devices by integrating Kochava sdk in the app module.Incorporated Exoplayer API UI module for displaying media and controlling playback with support for advanced HLS features.PulsePoint RespondPleasanton, CANative Android Developer Mar 2016 - June 2017https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mobi.firedepartmentConfigured backend and front-end code to enable push notifications to alert trained individuals in the immediate vicinity of the need for CPR using Urban AirShip SDK.Automated the scheduling of network requests and memory response caching using Volley HTTP library.Utilized fragments, diverse layouts, animations, material design, Compound Views, and Custom Views to fulfill user interface requirements.Added Google In-App Purchasing API to offer digital content and subscriptions for the purchase pro-Pulse Point Respond programs.Worked on Restful WS modules and used Retrofit, Ok HTTP for connection pooling, transparent compression, and response caching.Integrated Hockey App to collect live crash reports and user feedback, distribute beta versions, and inform testing strategies.Used Android's JUnit framework to write test cases to verify specific app behaviors, check for consistency across different Android devices.Fused Location Services API provided by Google Play services for location awareness with automated location tracking, geo-fencing, and activity recognition.Researched and worked on Freeware Advanced Audio (AAC) Decoder to play AAC radio streams in background (as a Service).Developed a customizable interface with multiple layouts and several compound views and custom views.Redfin Real Estate: Search Homes for Sale Seattle, WashingtonJr Android Developer May 2014 Mar 2016https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.redfin.androidCreated a custom transition animation and apply one or more animation effects to all the viewsCommunicated with Calendar AP and content providers I to read calendar events plus confidential information, read contacts, read web bookmarks and historyRefined, improved performance of the app using SonarCube, Network profiler, CPU, and battery profilersDeveloped update patches, modules, and components to mitigate security risksWorked with other developers, designers, and product/business managers to develop new features consistent with product roadmapConfigured MixPanel API to send instant notifications when a new home hits the market and push notifications for any house, condo, or townhome that meets search criteriaCreated bound service to send requests, receive results, and even do so across processes with interprocess communication (IPC)Coded the algorithm necessary to properly structure the query for the request needed to implement the Filtered Search featureIncluded Android-Job utility library to run jobs delayed in the background by creating JobRequest with the corresponding builder class and schedule this request with the JobManagerCreated frameworks and automation in the development process to maximize build efficiencyMaintain the Session Management for the app and Supporting screen orientations (landscape and portrait)American Honda Motors Torrance, CAJr Android Developer May 2012 Apr 2014https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.honda.accessories.genuine HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.honda.accessories.genuine&hl=en_US"& HYPERLINK "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.honda.accessories.genuine&hl=en_US"hl=en_USDeveloped the BlueLink AI-based feature SDK, implementing Vehicle Navigation Control, Voice Assist Dialing, and Panic Notification features.Applied Clean Architecture and MVP in the presentation layer to maintain the separation of stable business rules from technical details.Designed algorithms for BLE peripheral devices, enabling the transmission and scanning of advertisement packets in the peripheral model.Utilized Firebase Realtime Database for real-time data synchronization across connected devices.Integrated Kochava SDK to track various post-install activities, such as location events and purchases, and synchronized data with Mixpanel.Incorporated the Sci-Chart library to visualize real-time vehicle statistical data using Heatmap charts, candlestick charts, and error bars.Utilized Web views to link the Privacy Policy to the main menu, ensuring user transparency.Implemented Firebase for analytics tracking and app crash reporting to enhance app performance and stability.Enabled fingerprint and face recognition functionality with biometrics authentication for Blue Link subscription using the Biometric Prompt API for Android P.Developed service layer code and algorithms for managing Bluetooth Adapters, Bluetooth Services, and car UUID Characteristics, incorporating Broadcast Receivers, EventBus, and IBinder interface.Supported team members through paired programming and whiteboard concept diagrams to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing.Integrated Google Calendar API to facilitate access and modification of private calendars and events within the application.Configured Git repositories in GitHub and conducted thorough code reviews for the Android development team to ensure code quality and best practices.EducationBachelor of Science - Computer ScienceWilfrid Laurier University |