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| | Click here or scroll down to respond to this candidatePROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEClient: BBVA USA, Birmingham, Alabama, USA Sep. Street Address - PresentRole: Java Full Stack DeveloperDescription: BBVA USA is a commercial bank that offers its products and services, such as consumer loans, mortgages, insurance, and wealth management. Developed and implemented backend and frontend components for enterprise applications, ensuring seamless data processing, security, and integration across multiple systems.Responsibilities:Implemented HTML, Java Script for client-side validation, designed various web pages for the presentation layer, handled Hibernate to generate the connectivity for the business logic.Designed and implemented Spark cluster to analyze Data in Cassandra.Implemented the security on Microservices using Spring Boot Auth server which generated JWT tokens as OAuth 2 mechanism.Worked on Big Data Integration & Analytics based on Hadoop, SOLR, Spark, Kafka, Storm and webMethods.Good Command on CQL to run queries on the data present in Cassandra Cluster.Used Apache Kafka in cluster as messaging system between API. and Microservices and worked on Splunk SPL (Search process language) queries, reports and logging using Log4j.Used Node.js to run Grunt tasks and build properly the project (compile, minify, concat etc.) and Implement modules into to integrate with designs and requirements. Used Grunts, BowerJS, Express from Node.js.Extensively used Jenkins for CI/CD and used SVN for version control and used STS as the IDE for developing the application. Extensively involved in Unit testing and coordinated with the testing team and fixing Bugs at various stages of the application development.Good experience in implementing Spark Streaming project, preferably using Scala, and Spark SQL.Developed applications using J2EE, JSP, Servlet and Spring Bean Classes.Used JavaScript and jQuery for validating the input given to the user interface.Designed and developed Microservices with Spring Boot 2.0 and Spring REST.Developed new user-facing features using React.Maintain Interface compatibility and concurrency in the project using Java 8 new features like default, static methods, and Concurrency API. Create a new .NET console application to extract, transform and load (ETL) JSON file data into legacy and new SQL Server tables.Developed DAO layer exposing access to Mongo dB and found issues in original Mongo java driver, reported them to community and got them fixed with next releases.Golden Gate Kafka adapters are used to write data to Kafka clusters.Developed a controller Servlet that dispatches request to appropriate Action Classes.Involved in Client Requirements gathering, Analysis, Design, Development and Testing of the application using Agile methodology (SCRUM).Involved in bug fixing during the System testing, Joint System testing and User acceptance testing. Deploying the applications and binding third party services like App Dynamics on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF).Triggered the automation jobs using Jenkins to get the cucumber JSON reports.Developed back-end PL/SQL packages, UNIX shell scripts for data migration and batch processing.Integration of Amazon Web Services (AWS) with other applications infrastructure.Environment: Amazon Web Services, Apache Kafka, API, AWS, Cassandra, CI/CD, Hadoop, Hibernate, HTML, Java, Java 8, Jenkins, JSON, Kafka, Log4j, Microservices, Node.js, OAuth, OAuth 2, PCF, PL/SQL, React, Spark, Spring, Spring Boot, SQL, STS, SVN, Web Services, webMethodsClient: Alabama Power, Birmingham, Alabama, USA Nov. 2022 - Aug. 2023Role: Java Full Stack DeveloperDescription: Alabama Power Company is a company in the southern United States that provides electricity service. Managed the integration and deployment of microservices, ensuring seamless communication and high availability in a distributed environment.Responsibilities:Hands on experience on Azure VPN-Point to Site, Virtual networks, Azure Custom security, end point security and firewall.Responsible for Spark streaming configuration based on type of Input Source Developing business logic using Scala.Using Micro service architecture with Spring Boot services for interacting with REST and Apache message broker.Extensive experience in data ingestion technologies like Kafka, flume and Sqoop.Used Subversion for configuration Management and Jira for task management and bug tracking.Developed CI/CD pipeline and build tasks to run the unit tests on Jenkins and maintained separate build in Maven for the module for easy integration to the portal build and configure with Jenkins.Implemented Spring IOC for inter connection between modules in our application.Development in extraction, transformation & loading using Spring Batch as extracted data are maps, data encryption & decryption. Used Microservices to communicate using synchronous protocols HTTP and REST for implementing SOAP.Created JUnit test cases to automate the testing of business logic.Building cloud Microservices and implemented back-end using Spring Boot. And Authored application using Spring Cloud services (spring version of Netflix OSS-Eureka that helps in routing, Circuit Breaker and Ribbon for client-side load balancing).Experience in building pipelines using build/deploy tools such as Jenkins, Docker and OpenShift for Continuous Integration & Deployment for Microservices.Involvement in building spring batch to maintain the several jobs on ETL data. Involved in using ISO Messaging standards.Have also worked on Java 8 along with Cold Fusion and Build RESTful web services using Jax-RS API.Worked on project to retrieve log messages procured from Kafka by leveraging Spark Streaming.Developed Single Page Applications using AngularJS concepts of Components, Directives, Services, Promises, Templating, Scope, Dependency Injection and data bindingUsed JMS (Java Mailing Service) API and Kafka to mail notifications upon the success or failure when the backend processes are completed and to send mail notifications regarding any system related problems.Implemented Kubernetes for container orchestration, deploying applications in a distributed environment to ensure high availability and scalability.Used AJAX to implement some customizations which required dynamic behavior like controls dependent on user value selection on some other controls.Good knowledge of Web Services with protocols SOAP and REST.Environment: AJAX, Angular, AngularJS, API, Azure, CI/CD, Java, Jenkins, JMS, Kafka, Kubernetes, Scala, SOA, SOAP, Spark, Spring, Spring Boot, Spring IOC, Web ServicesClient: Swiss Re, Hyderabad, India Jun. 2020 - Jul. 2022Role: Java Full Stack DeveloperDescription: Swiss Re Ltd is a Swiss reinsurance company. Contributed to integrating microservices into the existing system architecture and developed automation solutions to enhance validation processes.Responsibilities:Involved in integrating Microservices into an existing system architecture using Clojure.Worked on Server-side CSS pre-processing platforms and UI kits, such as LESS/SCSS, Node.js, foundation and Bootstrap.Used IntelliJ IDEA IDE tool for application development.Developed application using Frameworks Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP and Hibernate.Developed test cases using JUnit to validate several business rules in the application.Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Draggable.Implement Java 8 Method References feature to point to methods by their names & implement functional Interfaces.Deployed our application on Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) which is used to reduce the development overhead by providing a ready to use platform.Developed automation of Validation service to provide the JASPER report based on bean validations, spring validations on test cases.Used advanced level of HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 and pure CSS layouts (table less layout) and Angular Materials 2.Created dynamic schema design through NOSQL-CouchDB by writing rich queries and achieved data in a collection to be distributed across multiple systems for horizontal scalability.Designed and developed the ETL (Extraction Transformation and Loading) solution using the request mod-ule and the OAuth 2.0 protocol.Good knowledge on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon Cloud Services like Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Simple Storage Service(S3), Amazon Simple DB, Amazon Cloud Watch, SNS, SQS, and LAMBDA.Supported microservice authentication service provider using Java Cryptology Extensions Cipher class API.Environment: Amazon Web Services, Angular, AOP, API, AWS, Bootstrap, CSS, CSS3, EC2, Hibernate, HTML, HTML5, IntelliJ, Java, Java 8, JavaScript, JUnit, Microservices, MVC, Node.js, NOSQL, OAuth, OAuth 2, OAuth 2.0, PCF, React, S3, Spring, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, SQL, Web ServicesClient: Roche, Hyderabad, India Mar. 2019 - May. 2020Role: Java DeveloperDescription: Roche is a global leader in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics, focusing on innovative healthcare solutions. Involved in designing, developing, and maintaining enterprise applications with a focus on data processing and seamless functionality.Responsibilities:Involved in multi-tiered J2EE design utilizing Spring Inversion of Control (IOC), AOP, MVC and Hibernate.Design and maintain Spring Boot Microservices for large-scale enterprise applications.Designing & development of entire validation service to perform data validations on the test cases built on the extracted, transformed, loaded data & working on Linux platform.Implementing CRUD operations and data processing using Cassandra APIs and drivers.Worked with Git which is used as a version control tool in the project.Supports different markets for alerts and bugs, Analyze and understand fix them.Design and implementation of web applications in Java and HTML5/JavaScript using Eclipse.Developed and maintained responsive web applications using React.js, delivering high-quality code that met project requirements and deadlines.Implemented the project by using Spring Web MVC module.Write unit tests using JUnit, Mockito or other testing frameworks to ensure code quality and test coverage.Implemented configured JIRA issue tracking software with Agile plug-in across all the company functions.Java Message Service (JMS) is used for exchanging information and messaging services.Developed JASPER report to show the result after validations are performed on the test cases and maintaining several data accuracy.Performed UI testing and front-end testing using Selenium. Used Firebug to do web-based application testing with Selenium for the commands and locator application.Implemented MySQL Queries and Triggers using MySQL Server.Implemented Test Driven Development using JUnit, Advanced Rest Client and Log4j in developing test cases and determining application functionality.Developed a controller Servlet that dispatches request to appropriate Action Classes.Environment: Agile, AOP, API, Cassandra, Eclipse, Git, Hibernate, HTML, HTML5, J2EE, Java, JavaScript, JMS, JUnit, Log4j, Microservices, MVC, MySQL, React, Selenium, Spring, Spring Boot, SQL, SQL ServerEMAIL AVAILABLEPHONE NUMBER AVAILABLEMANIDEEP KASANAGOTTUJava Full Stack DeveloperEDUCATIONSeeking a challenging role as a Java Full Stack Developer where I can leverage my 5+ years of expertise in Java programming along with proficiency in front-end and back-end technologies to contribute effectively towards the development of innovative software solutions.OBJECTIVEMasters from Auburn University at Montgomery, USASKILLSSUMMARYLanguages /Web Services: Core Java, Java, J2EE, C, C++, SQL, PL/SQL, PythonJava/J2EE Technologies: Java 8&11, J2EE, JSP, JMS, JDBC, Servlets, XML, Struts, web Services (SOAP, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, WSDL), Log4j, Akka, Scala, Microservices, Multithreading.RDBMS / Tools: Oracle 9i (SQL), SQL, PL/SQL with TOAD 8.5, My SQL, MongoDB, CassandraIDE/Editors: IBM RAD, EclipseWeb Technologies / Scripting Languages: Servlets, JSP, HTML, DHTML, CSS, Node JS, JQuery, AngularJS 4, 6&8, ReactJS, Mobile, JQuery, JavaScript, Backbone JS, AJAX, Microservices, DWRJava Based Build Tool: Ant 1.7.0, Maven 2.2.1, and Jenkins, Build Forge / SplunkTesting Frameworks: JUNIT, Cobertura Code Coverage, Mockito & Power MockCloud Computing: AWS (Amazon Web Services) works with EC2, RDS, Dynamo DB, S3, and Cloud Formation Templates.Version Control Tools: SVN Subversion 1.4, VSS, GitHubBug Tracking Tool: JIRA portal, Quality Center 11, Bugzilla.Frame Works: Struts 2.1 Hibernate 3.x, Spring 3.0Operating System: Windows, Unix, UNIX Shell Scripting5+ years of experience in analysis, design, implementation and testing of Object-Oriented Applications using Java/J2EE technologies(Core java, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, XML, Spring, JUNIT, Hibernate, and Restful API) and ensuring client deliverable within committed deadlines. 2+ years of developmental experience in Cloud computing infrastructure such as Amazon Web Services (AWS).Experience in developing applications using Java/J2EE (Servlets, JSP custom tags, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, EJBs, Java Beans, JDBC, JMS, JSF), XML, Bamboo, JavaScript, HTML, Hibernate,Eclipse3.x,Tomcat6/7/8.0,WebLogic, Oracle and Unix Korn Shell Scripting.Integration with Hadoop, data warehouses and Analytics solutions.Developed Spark Applications by using Scala, Java and implemented Apache Spark data processing project to handle data from various RBMS and Streaming sources. Experience with cloud computing service environment like Amazon Web Services (AWS), AWS Lambda and Microsoft Azure (EC2, EBS, S3 and Elastic Search).Extensive knowledge in database transactions management for database related changes by integrating JDBC, Hibernate with Spring Boot.Implemented Spring Boot Microservices to process the messages into the Kafka cluster setup. Experience in understanding and using Design Patterns Singleton, Prototype, Facade, Factory and Observer.Strong experience on various version control systems like Git, GitHub, CVS and SVN. Experience in creation and maintenance of CI/CD pipelines.Extensive experience of using IDE tools Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA for JAVA/J2EE Application development. Thorough knowledge in using UML, XML parsers (SAX, DOM), SOAP, HTML and DHTML.Designed and developed J2EE MVC applications using Struts, Spring MVC and Spring Boot. Well experienced in using JUnit, Selenium, Mockito, Log4j, JMeter, TestNG and SoapUI for testing framework.Experience working with Agile SCRUM/RAD methodology and (TDD) Test Driven Development. Proficient in using Kubernetes for Horizontal scaling and load balancing of applications.Expert level skills on Angular, Angular, CSS3, HTML5, Node JS, jQuery, JavaScript, React, AJAX, JSON, Tag Libraries. Experience in writing with no schema database Couch DB and have knowledge on Mongo DB.Good Knowledge on working with OAuth 2.0 to provide authentication and authorization to RESTful Web Services by exchanging Access tokens. |