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| | Click here or scroll down to respond to this candidateCandidate's Name PHONE NUMBER AVAILABLEVancouver, WA Street Address EMAIL AVAILABLESUMMARY:Dedicated HR professional with experience working with organizations of all sizes in healthcare, advertising/sales/media, automotive and many other industries. Emphatic and understanding individual, driven by the purpose of mitigating risk for the organization while cultivating a positive employee relationship to the organization. SKILLS AND EXPERTISE:Compliance - Employee RelaCons - CompensaCon - Career Path CulCvaCon - Benets - RecruiCng - HR Policy Design - Workers CompensaCon/Employee Health and Safety - Complex Leave InteracCon - Conict ResoluCon - Team Building - HRIS and Data Integrity - Post Merger IntegraCon - Employee Development - AdministraCve Charge ResoluCon - ArmaCve AcCon/EEO - System MigraCon and ImplementaCons - Fluent in several soRware applicaCons and plaSorms uClized in HR PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:CondenValHR Manager/Consultant (10/2023 Present)RecruiCng, Training, Compliance, Employee RelaCons, Benets & Leave AdministraCon, and creaCng and updaCng policies for a small start-up company.Hyundai Mobis (Mobis Parts America, LLC)Manager, Compensa<on and Recrui<ng (1/2022-8/2023) Began with a contract posi<on to implement a new Incident Management System for Workers Compensa<on/Safety and Employee Relations and transitioned into being hired as Manager, Compensation and Recruiting CompensaCon and Talent AcquisiCon personnel and strategies for high growth organizaCon Project Manager for migraCon and implementaCon of new recruiCng, on boarding, compensaCon and performance management plaSorms as well as HRIS oversight. Tied performance to compensaCon programs and advised leadership on Rewards & RecogniCon. Conducted disparate treatment analyses and facilitated compliance and regulatory maWers. Provided guidance on Employee RelaCons issues, invesCgaCon strategies, techniques and materials and created ER tracking and reporCng module. Planning, developing, and implemenCng an eecCve On Boarding and RetenCon strategy. Integrated 4 years worth of data and incidents to ensure that new HSW system included data required to complete year over year analyses Created training materials and job aids while providing training to locaCon management for decentralized incident entry. Assist with facilitaCng compliance with Safety PrevenCve Measures. Various ConsulVng Positions during COVIDVarious Posi<ons (7/2021 - 12/2021)I performed consul<ng services for several companies Assisted small, family owned company with bringing their policies and forms into compliance for California regulaCons and trained management on CA unemployment claims and agency interacCon for a CA DOL claim. Assisted small start-up company with HR iniCaCves and evaluaCng systems for payroll, etc. to ensure compliance with state and federal guidelines and set them up for growth. Several projects included streamlining processes, reviewing and updaCng policies, ensuring compliance with COVID regulaCons and compensaCon structure review / evaluaCon / recommendaCon. Advantage SoluVonsHR Compliance Partner/ER (12/2017 6/2021)Responsible for HR Compliance/Oversight for approximately 90,000 employees across several divisions and subsidiaries. This posiCon provided unique insight into areas of opportunity for conCnuous improvement throughout all levels of the organization Subject maWer expert on California employment law for Employee RelaCons and Compliance issues Provide oversight and guidance to newly acquired divisions of the company. This included several mergers, acquisiCons and integraCons to the Advantage Companies. InvesCgate reported or suspected compliance-related workplace concerns Provide HR experCse in feedback, performance management, employee relaCons, coaching and organizational development. Provide guidance to Human Resources, EBS, Payroll, and/or other business units in IdenCfying and collecCng relevant data. Respond to AdministraCve Charges and Agency Complaints and represent organization at conferences/hearings Review, evaluate, and make recommendaCons with respect to compliance-related iniCaCves (including but not limited to strategy development, policies, procedures, training, and business programs) to include, as appropriate, collaboraCon with business leaders and other stakeholders and development of tools or other resources to advance division or organizaConal compliance with policies and/or employment laws. Ensure compliance with complex leave interacCons as well as work related injuries and reporting. BJs Restaurants, Inc.Contract Posi<on (6/2017 12/2017)Hired to oversee Unemployment and assist with Employee Relations. Analyze process for unemployment claim response and recommend improvements Modied exisCng disciplinary procedure and documentaCon to be more relevant and applicable to the transient workforce inherent to the restaurant industry; thereby increasing the ability to successfully protest unemployment claims. Successfully increasing the win rate of protested claims by 8% over previous year. Assisted with Employee RelaCons including invesCgaCons and counseling managers and supervisors on application of policy, pracCce and procedures. Performed Benet Managers funcCons and duCes while incumbent was on LOA. CorVel CorporationBenets, Compensa<on & HRIS Manager (2/2015 5/2017) Oversight of employee benet programs, Interacted with TPAs for Benet & Leaves Administration, 401k Plan Administrator, HR Team Lead for migraCon from ADP to UlCPro for Payroll and HRIS; also responsible for oversight of CompensaCon/ Job DescripCon acCviCes; EEO compliance and Workers CompensaCon. Provided recommendaCons for process improvement, documentaCon of workow, creaCng job aids, IdenCfying gaps in communicaCon between third party vendors systems, Recommended appropriate acCon to resolve ongoing issues with systems interfaces for employee benets. Responsible for ACA compliance and reporting.Various Previous HR PositionsIncreasing in du<es, <tles and responsibili<es from 1999 to posi<ons listed above. EDUCATION Earned Bachelors in Business AdministraCon; however, the college I aWended was apparently not accredited and has since closed down.CERTIFICATIONS / PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS / MEMBERSHIPS Successful in obtaining SSBI Clearance with Oce of Personnel Management, US Government (OPM) Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) - Has lapsed as recent employer did not place emphasis on designa<ons. I have started studying for recer<ca<on in upcoming tes<ng window. CerCed Targeted SelecCon Trainer (DDI) - This train the trainer cer<ca<on and DDI materials (including behavioral interview ques<ons and competency library) migrates with me Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) / Professionals In Human Resources Association (PIHRA) / Northwest Human Resource Management Association (NHRMA) |