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SENIOR MANAGER, TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICSPHONE NUMBER AVAILABLE EMAIL AVAILABLELEADERSHIP PROFILEDynamic and results-driven Senior Manager of Transporta9on and Logis9cs with extensive experience in op9mizing opera9ons across high-volume manufacturing and distribu9on environments. Proven track record in managing private rail eets, leading targeted analyses to op9mize enterprise-wide costs, and streamlining eet opera9ons further enhancing service delivery standards. Demonstrated exper9se in direc9ng business con9nuity and recovery services, overseeing large-scale logis9cs opera9ons, and consistently ensuring alignment with regulatory compliance requirements. Excep9onal leader, mentoring top-performing teams, fostering stakeholder engagement, and driving eciency across diverse logis9cs func9ons, embracing notable achievements to include saving millions of dollars through strategic nego9a9ons, implementa9on of cost reduc9on ini9a9ves, and adop9on of opera9onal improvements. Maintains commitment to aligning logis9cs strategies with corporate goals while achieving excep9onal opera9onal performance and nancial results. Dual U.S. and Canadian ci9zen with a deep understanding of cross-border logis9cs and regulatory landscapes. SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT- Enhanced Financial Performance- Innova9ve Transporta9on Solu9ons- Logis9cs & Distribu9on Management- Logis9cs Op9miza9on and Team Leadership- Mul9-Facility Transporta9on- Opera9onal Eciency and Cost Reduc9on- Op9mized Opera9ons Management- Rail Transporta9on Management and Cost Savings- Strategic Infrastructure and Opera9ons Leadership- Supplier and Compliance ManagementOPERATIONAL LEADERSHIP EXPERTISELeadership and Team Development Serves as an inuen9al leader who mentors and manages top-performing mul9disciplinary teams, embracing a capacity to foster stakeholder engagement and build strong alliances, proving pivotal in achieving unied objec9ves and driving organiza9onal success.Business Con9nuity and Recovery Exper9se Background demonstrates the establishment and adop9on of strong business con9nuity and recovery services across North America, while fostering a proac9ve approach in managing rapid response/mobile opera9ons and ensuring uninterrupted service delivery.Regulatory Compliance and Risk Management Excep9onal understanding of regulatory compliance requirements, including Motor Carrier SOPs, MSHA, FMCSA, and HAZMAT cer9ca9ons, consistently ensuring opera9ons adhere to industry standards, and guidance in regulatory and compe99ve risk management further represent experience in maintaining compliance and mi9ga9ng risks. Project Management and Infrastructure Development Experience in direc9ng large-scale infrastructure projects and managing eet ra9onaliza9on ini9a9ves represent a background in project management while maintaining leadership oversight for signicant transporta9on ini9a9ves proving benecial in leading to enhanced opera9onal eciency and cost-eec9veness. Cross-Border Logis9cs Exper9se: Holding dual U.S. and Canadian ci9zenship supports a deep understanding of cross-border logis9cs and regulatory landscapes which is a unique advantage and fosters smooth and seamless naviga9on of complex logis9c challenges. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEInterna9onal Paper Company Memphis, TN 2023 - Present Rail Carrier Manager Own direct accountability for maintaining leadership oversight for the (what facility) high-volume manufacturing facility, responsible for managing a private rail eet of over 1,700 railcars. Led a targeted analysis that facilitated the op9miza9on of a $17M enterprise-wide demurrage spend and improved opera9onal eciency. Served as project manager over a eet ra9onaliza9on ini9a9ve, consolida9ng 4 car types into 2 for restricted track demands, further streamlining opera9ons, reducing costs, and improving service to customers with dierent track requirements.Candidate's Name PHONE NUMBER AVAILABLE EMAIL AVAILABLE Agility Recovery Solu9ons Duluth, GA 2023Director, Logis9cs & Asset Management Led and directed business con9nuity and recovery services across North America, managing rapid response/mobile opera9ons, power/fuel logis9cs, satellite communica9ons, and technology ini9a9ves, ensuring uninterrupted service. Delivered 24x7x365 emergency response and planned outage support, consistently maintaining high-quality standards and opera9onal eciency. Managed accountability for 3 distribu9on centers with more than $10M in inventory, overseeing 800 SKUs and controlling over $5M in opera9ng expenses, resul9ng in op9mized inventory management and cost savings. Newmont Mining Corpora9on/Nevada Gold Mines, LLC Elko, NV 2016 2023 Senior Manager Transporta9on & Logis9cs Directed 24x7x365 opera9ons across 36 facili9es, managing over 120,000 annual inbound truck shipments and 6,000+ annual railcar movements, aligning with results-centric corporate goals, and consistently achieving signicant opera9onal eciency through strategic oversight and me9culous management of high-volume logis9cs. Perfected a Dry Bulk RFP with an annual spend of $50M, achieving $5.5M in savings, nego9ated a new railcar lease for an addi9onal $301K in annual savings, and reduced costs by 16% through transforming export logis9cs from bulk vessel to bulk in container, signicantly enhancing cost-eec9veness. Established a comprehensive supply chain opera9onal model and mul9-year roadmap of ini9a9ves, strategically managing supplier risk and conduc9ng supplier nego9a9ons, while ensuring adherence to Motor Carrier SOPs and regula9ons (e.g., MSHA, FMCSA) and maintaining HAZMAT cer9ca9ons and proper shipment handling compliance. Saved $15.7M over 5-years by nego9a9ng cost-eec9ve inbound coal transporta9on agreements, and reduced costs by 41% through a program that shiled dimensional material transport from truck to rail and achieved $1M in annual savings through the nego9a9on of reduced rail rates for private cars. Generated $2.9M in annual savings by redesigning a mul9-modal import model, incorpora9ng back-haul on private railcars engaged in export moves, iden9ed and corrected a supplier's improper UPS account use, achieving $85K in savings, and leveraged the Compe99ve Access Order by STB to create cost-eec9ve railroad op9ons. Guided the construc9on of approximately 60 miles of private track and 13 miles of Class 1 track to facilitate the movement of 4-million tons of ore annually, with commissioning set for Q1 2026. Oversaw the transporta9on of 200,000 tons of concentrate from Montana to Nevada for processing, successfully commissioned in Q2 2022. Led a modal shil from truck to rail for 100,000 annual tons of Canadian Sulphur, u9lizing a private car eet to generate$3.4M in savings, and drove the expansion of silo/tank telemetry and consump9on forecas9ng/analysis, increasing installa9ons from 130 to a forecasted 200, enhancing opera9onal eciency and resource management. OTHER RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Gerdau Special Steel North America Jackson, MI Regional Logis9cs Manager Weyerhaeuser Company Boise, ID/Federal Way, WA Rail Transporta9on Manager FORMAL EDUCATION & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT York University Bachelor of Arts in Geography, Transporta9on & Urban Planning Charter Member Chartered Ins9tute of Logis9cs & Transport (CILT) Professional Logis9cian (P. Log) Canadian Professional Logis9cs Ins9tute- 49 CFR, Air (ICAO/IATA)- Analy9cal Problem Solving- Budge9ng Experience/Yearly Budgets- Contemporary Canadian Business Law- Con9nuous Improvement Program (CIP)- Export & Interna9onal Trade- HAZMAT Cer9ca9on- Lean Manufacturing- Marine (IMDG 38-16)- MMOG/LE- NAFTA Broker/Importer Course- S&OP- SAP- Six Sigma Training- Sta9s9cal Process Control (S.P.C) |