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Senior Mobile Engineer | IOS, Android, React Native Expert
Experienced and results-driven Mobile App Developer with over 10 years of experience, possessing a
robust skill set encompassing cross-platform development, API design, cloud integration, and database
management. Proficient in Swift, Kotlin, and React Native, with additional expertise in JavaScript for
front-end development and Objective-C in Swift for iOS app development. Demonstrated ability to
create scalable and high-performance applications for iOS and Android platforms, ensuring seamless
user experiences across diverse devices. Skilled in AWS services for deployment, scaling, and monitoring,
and adept at implementing efficient RESTful APIs to facilitate smooth data exchange. Committed to
quality assurance and continuous improvement, conducting comprehensive testing and leveraging
project management tools like Jira for efficient collaboration within cross-functional teams. With a strong
focus on clean and efficient code, I prioritize user satisfaction and adhere to industry best practices,
delivering high-quality mobile applications that meet user needs and requirements.
Contact Work History
Address 2020-11 - Senior Mobile Developer Ios/android
Los Angeles , California Current
Vision Net Systems
90001 Innovatively engineered iOS and Android
Phone applications for diverse industries, showcasing
PHONE NUMBER AVAILABLE proficiency in Swift, Kotlin, and Java to deliver
E-mail immersive gaming experiences, streamline travel
EMAIL AVAILABLE bookings, and revolutionize digital learning.
om Orchestrated the development lifecycle, from
conceptualization to deployment, harnessing
agile methodologies and version control systems
like Git to ensure seamless collaboration and
efficient project management. Integrated
complex functionalities including augmented
/in/Candidate's Name -
reality (AR), geolocation services, and in-app
purchases, elevating user engagement and
monetization opportunities within gaming and
Skills travel domains. Customized mobile solutions to
meet the unique needs of educational
Proficiency in cross-platform
institutions, leveraging technologies such as
mobile app development
Firebase, SQLite, and GraphQL to facilitate
with a focus on creating
personalized learning experiences and real-time
scalable and
student progress tracking. Championed the
optimization of mobile performance and user
applications for both iOS
experience through meticulous code reviews,
and Android platforms.
performance profiling, and continuous
Ensuring seamless user integration techniques, resulting in highly
experiences across diverse responsive and intuitive applications.
devices by demonstrating Collaborated closely with cross-functional teams
expertise in API design and including designers, product managers, and QA
implementing efficient and engineers, fostering a culture of innovation and
secure RESTful APIs. delivering high-quality, market-leading mobile
products. Stayed abreast of emerging trends
Skilled in cloud integration,
and technologies in the mobile development
utilizing AWS services for
landscape, actively participating in community
deployment, scaling, and
forums, hackathons, and technical conferences
monitoring to ensure optimal
to expand knowledge and drive technological
performance and reliability
advancement within the organization.
in cloud environments.
2017-09 - Andriod Developer
Proficiency in Swift, Kotlin,
and React Native, focusing UWorx
on writing clean and Drawing on extensive experience in mobile
efficient code to develop development, I adeptly utilize my technical skills
visually appealing and to engineer impactful solutions. Proficient in
intuitive user interfaces. languages like Java for Android and Swift for iOS,
I play a pivotal role in crafting user-friendly and
Experience with JavaScript feature-rich mobile applications. My expertise
for front-end development extends to implementing cutting-edge
and Objective-C in Swift for functionalities such as geolocation services, push
iOS app development. notifications, and offline data synchronization,
thereby enhancing the overall user experience.
Experienced in database
Furthermore, I conduct rigorous testing and
management, managing
debugging to ensure the reliability and
and implementing solutions
performance of applications across diverse
with SQLite, Realm, and
devices and platforms. Leveraging a deep
Firebase databases to
understanding of Android development, I
ensure data integrity and
consistently deliver successful outcomes while
mobile app security.
collaborating closely with cross-functional teams
Committed to quality to translate business requirements into technical
assurance, conducting solutions across various industries. My
comprehensive testing using comprehensive experience in Android
XCTest, JUnit, and Selenium development encompasses creating scalable
to deliver high-quality mobile and high-performance applications tailored to
applications. meet user needs and industry standards. I
effectively utilize frameworks such as Android
Familiarity with project
Jetpack, Retrofit, and Dagger to streamline
management tools like Jira
development processes and ensure code
for efficient task tracking
maintainability. With a keen eye for detail and a
and collaboration within
commitment to delivering excellence, I have
cross-functional teams.
successfully contributed to the deployment of
Collaborating effectively numerous Android applications, demonstrating
with cross-functional teams my ability to thrive in dynamic and challenging
to ensure alignment with environments. My passion for mobile
user needs and development, combined with strong analytical
requirements. skills and problem-solving abilities, positions me as
a valuable asset to any project or team.
Proficient in performance
optimization, continuous 2013-06 - Mobile App Develooper
integration, and Agile 2017-08
Netsole Technologies
methodologies to enhance
I proficiently utilized technical skills in mobile
the overall development
application development. Employing languages
process. like Java for Android and Objective-C/Swift for
iOS, I contributed to the creation of robust and
user-friendly mobile solutions. My expertise
extended to implementing advanced features
such as real-time communication, secure
authentication, and multimedia integration,
enhancing the functionality and appeal of the
applications. Additionally, I conducted thorough
testing and optimization, ensuring seamless
performance across different devices and
platforms. Collaborating closely with cross-
functional teams, I effectively translated
requirements into technical solutions, delivering
successful outcomes in various industries.
2013-06 Bachelor of Science in Computer
Virtual University