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EMAIL AVAILABLEPHONE NUMBER AVAILABLEHEALTH & WELLNESSPROFESSIONAL SUMMARYEmployee wellness expert with over 20 years of experience in health and wellness management, specializing in developing comprehensive wellness and safety strategies that enhance care through innova ve health data integra on. Skilled in leading cross-func onal teams to implement eec ve wellness campaigns and health awareness ini a ves, ensuring regulatory compliance and opera onal excellence. Commited to advancing health and wellness programs that leverage technology to improve outcomes and organiza onal eciency. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY01/2023 - PRESENTAdvocate4Me Rep Sr, UnitedHealth Group Tailoring clinical support through member data analysis Boos ng health outcomes by op mizing resources with Medicaid agencies Maintaining regulatory compliance by interpre ng and applying Medicaid guidelines Driving a comprehensive care management framework, integra ng clinical guidelines, member preferences, and community resources to deliver pa ent-centered care plans. Adop ng a comprehensive approach to member care considering health-impac ng factors Incorpora ng SDoH services into comprehensive support evaluates member needs to tailor personalized care strategies eec vely Applies rigorous analysis to op mize clinical support levels Analyzes member health data to drive personalized care plans and improve outcomes 10/2022 - PRESENTNa onal Director of Injury Preven on, Area Scouts (BASE Mission) Develop and implement strategies to reduce workplace injuries and promote a culture of safety across the organiza on Implement programs to ensure consistent and accurate data collec on and repor ng Conduct research and analysis on industry best prac ces in injury preven on to ensure the na onal program remains up to date and eec ve Manage rela onships with na onal en es to promote wellness and injury preven on programs and gain support for its ini a ves Pioneered and manage a na onal comprehensive communica on plan to promote organiza on's injury preven on ini a ves and raise awareness among employees and stakeholders Develop and execute marke ng campaigns to promote the injury preven on program and increase awareness among target audiences Op mized injury preven on strategies, achieving a 20% reduc on in workplace musculoskeletal incidents Strengthened partnerships with key health organiza ons to support injury preven on Analyzed health data trends to enhance injury preven on accuracy and eec veness 07/2019 10/2022Health & Benet Advisor, Town of Cary, Cary, NC Managed benets related to qualifying life events (QLE), Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Paid Parental Leave, and Sick Leave Transfers Managed quarterly employee benet audits to ensure accuracy Interpret and apply medical guidelines and associated rules to ensure that all healthcare services provided adhere to regulatory requirements Innovate data visualiza on techniques to communicate complex popula on health trends and outcomes eec vely, facilita ng data-driven decision-making for popula on health management ini a ves Facilitate pa ent engagement and self-management through the implementa on of pa ent portals, mobile health applica ons, and interac ve educa onal resources, empowering pa ents to take an ac ve role in their care and treatment decisions Implement popula on segmenta on strategies based on socio-economic determinants, clinical data, and behavioral insights, op mizing care delivery for diverse pa ent popula ons Development of care management protocols for complex popula ons, collabora ng with specialists and community-based organiza ons to address developmental, behavioral, and psychosocial needs, enhancing pediatric care coordina on and support Managed Voluntary Insurance (UNUM, Fidelity, Liberty Mutual) process and audits Provides excellent employee service with empathy Adept at contract management and budge ng du es Led digital transforma on by implemen ng DocuSign, achieving paperless opera ons. Enhanced employee support during Open Enrollment, boos ng sa sfac on and understanding 05/2010 06/2019Employee Wellness Manager, HealthFitness Corp at the Town of Cary, Cary, NC Establish program improvements, implementa on updates, and sugges ons to streamline opera ons Planned events and ac vi es, as well as Quarterly Educa on and Monthly Awareness Campaigns Managed all aspects of vendor rela ons including SOWs, budget, and implementa on of programs Managed all aspects of Employee Wellness budget Develop comprehensive wellness strategy to reduce and mi gate risks Deliver accurate and intriguing informa on about health and benets Manage data and formulate coherent reports as needed Boosted employee par cipa on in health screenings to 93%, maintaining low premium costs for 10 years Reduced worker's compensa on "strains" expense line by $100K each year using Func onal Movement Systems from 07/2010 to 06/2016 Achieved a reduc on in employees at risk for high LDL cholesterol that was 8 mes lower than na onal average Between FY17 and FY19, achieved an 8% reduc on in those at risk for high TC/HDL ra o Employee success iden ed in 2014 with par cipants repor ng ea ng 3 or more servings of fruits and vegetables / day jumped 10%. Analyzed and revamped quarterly benet audits, ensuring op mal employee selec ons Cra ed a forward-thinking wellness strategy, signicantly lowering health risks Managed data me culously to produce coherent, impac ul reports on employee wellness Pioneered wellness programs, minimizing health risks and enhancing employee vitality 02/2004 05/2010Project Lead Health Promo on, IBM Integrated Health Services, Durham, NC Collaborated with Occupa onal Health Team and oversaw integra on and referrals Operated alongside Client Benets Administra on to track synergies between wellness programs and services oered by current health plans Established tracking and evalua on methodology Planned events and ac vi es as well as followed up on program design Led Bi-annual Behavior Change Program and outlined evalua on methodology Integrated virtual pla orm with Electronic Health Records and pa ent portals to streamline virtual care delivery and enhance pa ent engagement Conduct risk assessments and audits to iden fy vulnerabili es and mi gate threats to protect health informa on (PHI) across healthcare systems and applica ons Develop data mapping process to standardize and harmonize health data from disparate sources, ensuring data integrity and interoperability Designed a unique data mapping process to improve health data interoperability Worked with internal and external stakeholders to build a comprehensive WHP that met all ADA/GINA regula ons and was meaningful and valuable to a diverse popula on Developed metrics to track wellness program impact, enhancing employee health Partnered with Benets Admin to align wellness with exis ng health plans Led team in bi-annual behavior change ini a ves, improving workplace health Boosted company-wide health metrics by integra ng dynamic wellness ini a ves EDUCATION05/2005 05/2008Master of Science: Kinesiology, University of Texas of the Permian Basin, Odessa, TX 09/1987 05/1991Bachelor of Science: Produc on / Opera ons Management, U ca College of Syracuse University, U ca, NY SKILLSFunc onal Movement Injury Preven on Health & Wellness Programs Employee Benets Campaign Planning & Management Database Management Awareness Campaigns Presenta ons & Reports Audi ng Program Management CPR/BLS Mental HealthHealth Promo on Customer Service |