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Software Engineer
Enthusiastic and highly skilled Computer Louisiana State University
Software Engineer with 5 years of hands- August 2019 December 2024
on experience in designing, developing, Projected to graduate in December 2024 with a Bachelor s degree in
and deploying innovative software Computer Science, specializing in Software Engineering.
solutions. Set to graduate in December
2024 with a Bachelor s degree in PROJECTS
Computer Science, specializing in
Software Engineering, from Louisiana Back in Rhythm
State University (LSU). - Description: Developed a video game where players must hit the
Proficient in multiple programming correct keys on the keyboard in sync with the music to defeat
languages including Java, Python, C++, bosses and dodge attacks.
JavaScript, and SQL. Experienced in full- - Technologies Used: Full stack (CSS, HTML, JavaScript), MongoDB
stack development with a strong - Role: Front End Developer
understanding of both front-end and - Key Achievements: Implemented multiple difficulty levels, Enabled
back-end technologies. Demonstrated customization of key layouts to any configuration.
expertise in web and mobile application
development, cloud computing, and SKILLS
DevOps practices. Skilled in database
management and cybersecurity Technical Skills
principles, with a keen interest in - Programming Languages: Java, Python, C++, JavaScript, SQL
machine learning and AI technologies. - Web Development: HTML, CSS, React, Node.js
Passionate about continuous learning - Mobile Development: React Native
and actively involved in open-source - Database Management: MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase
projects and tech communities. Adept - Cloud Computing: AWS
at working in Agile environments, with a - Testing: JUnit
proven track record of collaborating - Software Tools: IntelliJ IDEA
effectively with cross-functional teams
to deliver high-quality software Soft Skills
products. Committed to leveraging - Problem-Solving
cutting-edge technologies to solve - Team Collaboration
complex problems and drive innovation. - Communication
- Adaptability
- Time Management
CONTACT - Attention to Detail
PHONE: - Project Management