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SummaryI am seeklng employment wlth a company where I can use my skills and talonts to grow expsnd 6nd demonstrate my capacltlas to h6lp the advancement ol the company. Hardworklng Materlal Handlcr wlth rllable, safsty-consclous mlndset and 24 years of solld exprlnce Ifl warhouse opelallons. Proticl6nl ln op8rutlons ol pallel movers, forkllfts and swhg-reach truckE. Erpsrtlse ln shlpping and recolvlng, lo6dlng 8nd unbsdlng trucks 8nd order plcklng 8nd pscklng. SkillsErperience. . ABIUT Certlfied ES Hl-. Lo drlver.0lspatcher. lnvEnlory control. Handle and oversee all shlpplng and rcelvlngLegrandlFaldreld.NJL.rd Mat.rld Hendl.r09/2019-05/2029Jel Dlstrlbullon Centel I Teterboro. NJFo*lltt Op.rllot0t/2017-05/2019. Loadlng and Unloedlng. Anentlon to Detsll. Teamwork and collsboratlon. clean Background Check. Obslrved lnventory allocatlon lo malntaln matetlal needs and producllon deadllnes.. Trackd palcel movemeni uslng hand-held scanners and dBlly productlon sheets lo keep records accurrle.. Protcted compsny lnventory by malntainlng 8ndorgsnlzlng storage areas.. Maneuvered forkllrl over and sround loaded p8llets, bors and other materlEls.. Moved trelghl, stock and olhsr matsrlals to and flom slorsge and producllon ateas and loadlng docks.. Malnlalned current forklift tralnlng 8nd certlficallon as requlred by company pollcles.WHITE ROSE FOOOS I CARTEREI, NJ I held many responslbllltles whll! employcd hels I was s recelvlng clerk rryhere I handled sllth shlpplng 8nd reclvlng deptI perfomed lhe functlons of load6r, dlspatcher, rc6Ner, lnventory control and Hllo operatolEducation and TrainingCOLEGIO LUIS N, OILLON FROMSTUDIED ACCOUNTING01/1987ReferenceaREFERENCES AVAILABLE UPON RQUEST,Langu6gos. Able to speak snd wrlt ln both Engllsh and sPanlsh |