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| Click here or scroll down to respond to this candidate|Candidate's Name Quadri ||( : PHONE NUMBER AVAILABLE ||Email Address : EMAIL AVAILABLE ||[pic] [pic][pic] ||Summary |Over 19 years of experience in IT, in which 11 years worked on || |data warehousing and data integration projects using Informatica || |Products. Worked as Informatica Administrator Supported and || |maintained full Informatica Infrastructure with 2 node || |clusters(session on grid and grid control), Power Center, Power || |Exchange, Informatica IDQ, Data Analyzer, Metadata Manager, || |Informatica Data profiling, Informatica IDD, Informatica Human || |Task, Informatica Dashboard & Reporting etc. with a sound || |knowledge of integration to Master Data Management, Designed and|| |developed mappings, workflows from source to staging and staging || |to data warehouse. || | || |Worked on technologies for more than 6 years (Expert): || |DWH ETL Tools Specialized in Informatica, Power || |Exchange, and B2B etc. || |Databases: Oracle All Version, SQL Server || |Oracle HA: RAC on Linux/Solaris, shareplex, || |golden gate, VERITAS Cluster etc. || |EMC Storage: Tier 2 Clariion CX Series.2 || |OS: Solaris/SunOS, Red hat Linux, || |IBM AIX, Windows || |File Systems & VM: VERITAS Volume Manager, VXFS, VERITAS || |cluster file system, || |ASM, NFS, ZFS, CIFS etc. || | || |Worked on technologies for more than a year: || | || |Databases: DB2 UDB 9.7, SQL Server 2k, 2008 || |Data Quality: Informatica IDQ (Athenor and Axio), || |Siperian MDM Administration. || |BI Tools: OBIEE 10g, 11g || |Storage: Tier 2 NetApp (ONTAP 8.1) || |Apps servers: IBM Web Sphere 6.1,15, || |Hadoop Cloudera Hadoop Cluster (HDFS) ||Education / |BS (Business Accounting) ||Certification|Informatica Basic Mapping Design PC7 ||s |Informatica Basic Administration PC7 || |Informatica Advance Mapping Design PC7 || |Informatica Advance Administration PC7 || |Oracle Certified Professional 10g || |TOGAF 9 ||Professional |Informatica IDQ Administrator ||Trainings |zLinux Administrator || |Informatica Power Center Admin./Advance Mapping design - || |Informatica Inc USA || |Informatica IDQ & IDE Athenor and Axio - Informatica Inc, USA || |Informatica Power Center 8 New Features -- Informatica, USA || |Informatica B2B (Complex data exchange, Unstructured data option)|| | || |Oracle Streams 10g -- Oracle Corp CA - USA || |Oracle 10g new Features - Oracle Corp, CA - USA || |Oracle RAC Oracle 9i -- Oracle Corp. CA USA || |Solaris Admin I - Solaris 7 NJ USA || |Solaris Admin II - Solaris 7 NJ USA || |EMC Replication Manager Web Based Training |Technical Skills|RDBMS |Oracle 11g, 10g R2, 9.2.6(9iR2), 9.0.1(9iR1), || |8.1.x(8i), 7.3.4,8.0.x, SQL Server 2005, 2000, DB2 UDB || |9.7,9.5,9.1,8.2 ||Replication/Integratio|SharePlex 5.1, Oracle Streams, Power Exchange ||n tools | ||ETL/BI Tools |OBIEE 10.x (DAC, Informatica, OBIEE Reporting tools, BI|| |Apps), Informatica PC 5/6/7/8.1.1,9.0.1, PWX 5.2/8.1.1,|| |Metadata Manager 8.1.1, Informatica IDQ Athenor/Axio || |etc ||Operating Systems |Solaris 10, 9, 2.7, 2.6, 2.5.1, Red hat 4.x/5.x/6.2, || |IBM AIX 4.1, 5.1, 5.2,6.1 ||Query Languages |SQL ISQL PL/SQL, TSQL. ||Hardware Worked On |Sun Enterprise Server 3500,3400,Sun fire 10k, 12k, || |6800, 3800, 880, 480 ||Storage & SAN |DMX1000, DX4, Clariion CX4, CX700, CX600 (SAN/SAN). || |Netapp FAS 6040 ||Work Experience || New York |Informatica Admin | |Till Date || | |Nov 2014 | || ||Informatica Admin/Architect: || ||Installed Informatica in all environments, Upgraded Informatica Platform from ||8.6.1 to 9.5.1/9.6.1 HF2, Maintaining Informatica Platform (Power Center, IDQ, ||MM, PWX, DVO, TDM and ILM), Applied Hotfixes and EBFs. All changes are applied ||following SDLC process. Proposed migration strategy of Informatica Objects (PC,||IDQ, MM etc.) Used versioned repository, dynamic deployment group for ||migration, used SVN version control for other objects like shell scripts & ||database scripts. || ||Supporting developers and suggesting them Informatica to use best practices, ||helped developer in setting up the right encoding, helped developer in ||resolving common issues. Configured PWX for SQL Server & Oracle with TDE ||enabled. || ||Suggested alternate architectures for HA & DR based on Enterprise Architecture ||team input on RTO, implemented systems in DR using Informatica spanning domain ||architecture. ||SBM-IBM Business partner company|Consultant |May 2007 |Aug 2014 ||(http://sbm.sa/#ibm-wtc)). Via | | | ||Avocent Technologies Inc.) | | | || ||Informatica Architect: ||Installation, maintenance and upgrade of Informatica Power Center from 7.1/ ||8.1.1 to 9.5, configured and maintained session on grid control 2 node cluster ||environment, Power Exchange 9.5, Informatica Data Quality 9.5, Oracle Golden ||Gate 11g and Metadata Manager 9.5. || ||Setup Code Migration strategy according to SDLC process and Informatica ||velocity best practices, used Version control repositories, create dynamic ||deployment groups and roll back of deployment if necessary. Responsible for ||preview and code migration to SIT/UAT/PROD. || ||Maintained PCI compliance for data stored onto the file system data masking, ||write shell script to automate jobs using third part scheduler, wrote shell ||scripts for archiving and cleanup, backup the Informatica repository etc. || ||Integrated Power Center & Metadata Manager with Active Directory (LDAP) and ||deployed Metadata Manager on IBM WebSphere Application Server (network ||deployment). || ||30% of the time developing complex mappings using Informatica velocity best ||practices mapping standards, extracted data from AS/400 DB2, VSAM (VMS Cobol) ||file, XML, DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, MQ, Swift format file etc || ||Involved in the full implementation of DWH project, developed new maps (slowly ||changing Dimension Type 2), modified existing one for data warehousing and ||BASEL II project; suggested and implemented error handling. Assisted in data ||reconciliation process for ALGO, ACLM and Basel II. || ||Implemented load control tables for recovery and reload of data into the target||systems, automate the generating parameter file for daily and monthly load from||the control tables. || ||Excellent skill on performance tuning of database SQL, Informatica Power Center||and inefficient mappings. || ||Used Power Center data profiling to identify the Data Quality issues and ||scheduled reporting to source system owner for getting it fixed. || ||Installed, configured and maintained Informatica Siperian MDM, established to ||other systems using MQ & Adaptors. Established Data Governance which includes ||Data steward, Business Analyst and source system business owners. || ||DB2: ||Installed DB2 software, created databases and Upgraded DB2 databases from DB7.2||to 9.1 two step upgrade, ||Configured backups exported and imported database objects, performance tuning, ||migrated full databases from DB2 9.1 to Oracle 11g and taken care of different ||Foreign character encoding as part of DB2 decommissioning projects... || ||Internet Banking: ||Installed and configured WAS 6.1 and 7.1 application servers (3 node Cluster), ||maintained, upgraded, applied fix packs and deploying code provided by ||development team into production following complete release management process.||Applying configuration changes as required, writing shell scripts for archive ||log files and automation, write maintenance jython scripts. || ||Enterprise Architecture (Data & Infrastructure Domain): ||Modeled AS-IS artifacts into EA Repository (Software AG ARIS Software), created||links between each domain, viewpoints and solution viewpoints. Involved in the ||business process automation of one business service as model to execute (M2E). || ||Modeled AS-IS and architected TO-BE, gaps and road maps for continuous ||availability and disaster recovery initiative which includes the implementation||of vcloud automation center, EMC SRM, EMC VPLEX, EMC Recovery point, EMC Vipr, ||EMC Extreme I/O, IBM DS8800 with IBM Mainframe, sysplex, TSM Backup Solution, ||Veeam Software Backup Solution, etc. || ||Cost Reduction initiative to reduce the licensing cost, duplicate products, ||consolidation of application servers, web servers & load balancers & hardware ||including virtualization. Modeled licensing Information into EA repository to ||identify the cost of each services and proposed to introduce tier 2 & tier 3 ||storage for non-critical systems. || ||Optimizing & improving efficiency of existing customer facing systems, proposed||architecture to move data replications of customer facing applications to ||enterprise service bus, which includes B2B integration with other partners ||using Data Power, integration of Enterprise Service Business with BPM, MDM and ||other backend legacy systems. Many reasons to move those services to ESB to ||avoid data duplication, improve concurrency, and improve data consistency and ||corporate strategy to enable application on many front-end channels (IVR, Smart||Devices, Internet, SMS etc). || ||Developed blue print for data warehouse initiative, baseline architecture, ||proposed architecture (applications, high level data entities, prebuild ||analytics, Hardware & Software Infrastructure), guidelines on data governance, ||business Intelligence competency, etc. || ||Developed and enhanced TRM, looking at the corporate strategic initiatives, ||added software and hardware products by looking at the current infrastructure, ||Gartner & Forrester rating wherever necessary, and consulted with ARB & APC for||final approvals. || ||Member of Enterprise Architecture Board and Change Management, worked with PMO,||SDLC/ADUP, and ITIL team to ensure outcomes are business driven. || || ||Type of Sources/Target used: ||Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase, SQL Server, XML, Cobol Copy Book using Power ||Exchange, Informatica Data Quality, Data Masking etc. ||Informatica Corporation - |Informatica |March 2004 |May 2007 ||California |Professional Services | | || |(IPS) Consultant | | || ||Installed, configured and supported Siebel Analytics which is also known as ||OBIEE suite. || ||Designed database for company standards where entire enterprise lookup for ||company standards. ||Involved in the full Data Quality life cycle (Assessing Data Quality, Defining ||Data Quality Targets, Designing Quality Enhancement plans, Implementing Quality||Enhancement Plans, and Monitoring Data Quality Vs Targets). ||Analysis phase includes (Assess data, completeness, conformity, consistency, ||data duplication, integrity, accuracy ) || ||Designed and developed complex mappings from source systems to Enterprise Data ||Warehouse and from EDW to Data Marts. - Type 2, Type 3 dimensions, designed and||developed complex mappings from xml and cobal sources to EDW, designed ||Crosswalk tables for translation between new and old systems for data ||integration, designed Job processing control tables to monitor jobs (number of ||rows loaded, job kickoff time, job end time, job status, ||Batch ID, etc.). || ||Designed and developed complex workflows using command task, decision task, ||assignment, timer, Event waits, Event Raise, custom shell scripts etc. || ||Designed and developed recoverability procedures if the job fails. Implemented ||error handing to capture errors into database tables for reconciliation ||purpose. || ||Analyzed applicability of new features to enhance existing session performance,||analyzed Informatica mappings and sessions for performance impact, helped ||customer in educating the impact of repository configurations on performance ||and load on the system, implemented session partitioning and explained ||Informatica partitioning benefits. || ||Informatica Upgrade Assignments: ||Upgraded Informatica for more than 9 customer sites (Upgraded options metadata ||manager, SAP Power Connect, Teradata, etc) Upgraded from 4.7 Power Mart to ||Informatica 8.1 (two/three steps upgrade), moved repository from Informix to ||oracle database, and wrote shell scripts for clean shutdown/startup of all ||services including MM, backup shell script, file parsing script, etc. || ||Implemented Power Exchange CDC for Oracle/SQL/DB2. ||Gave training on PWX CDC for Oracle/SQL server. || ||Followed Velocity Methodology in the development of Informatica ETL mappings. || ||Configured Active registration for CDC objects enabled supplemental Logging for||oracle objects, installed and configured power exchange listener for Oracle and||SQL Server, configured ODBC interface using power exchange ODBC drivers and ||developed mapping using Power Exchange for providing change data captures (CDC)||from OLTP to ODS. || ||Responsible to design, development and unit test different components ||(Informatica mapping, PL SQL, UNIX shell scripts) to maintain the data marts ||(Extract data, Transform data, Load data), Setup Procedures & Mappings to ||Extract, and Transform and Load (ETL) data from Operational and Legacy Systems ||to the Data Warehouse tables by using Informatica. || ||IPS Training: ||Presented Online Training on Power Exchange CDC to Other IPS consultants. || ||Oracle Performance Tuning: || ||Created partitioned on tables and indexes for better performance, tuned SQL ||statement, and added hints. ||Exported, Imported and customized table statistics for SQL Plan analysis. ||Created outlines for existing statements to use proper indexes. ||Collected Statistics and histograms for oracle to generate accurate SQL Plan. ||Tuned database using STATPACK, AWR, OEM diagnostics and tuning pack, also used ||Spotlight. ||Created functional index, bitmap index, materialized view for better ||performance. || ||Activated SAR reports and OEM reports for capacity planned and tuned the ||database. ||Proactively catching top SQL's, tuned them and worked with the application team||to implement it. ||Autodesk Inc. -|Team Lead for Production/Development DBAs | |Feb 2004 || |(Oracle and SQL Server) |June 2000 | ||California, | | | ||USA | | | || ||Supported 128 Oracle Instances from 200Gb to Multi Terabytes under mission ||critical environment, 26 SQL Servers and 10 DB2 Instances. || ||Data Center Migrations: ||In charge of relocation of all databases of Autodesk data center from San ||Rafael, CA to Petaluma, CA Data Center and collaborated with Sun Team, Firewall||team, Storage team, etc. || ||Database consolidation: ||Planned and Consolidated Databases into a single Sun 6800 multi domain machine ||to save licensing cost and to better the utilization of resources. Also ||activated SAR reports on Unix servers to generate performance analysis reports ||and for capacity planning, involved in the change control meetings during ||consolidation and conducted frequent meetings with system admin to migrate ||applications and databases from other Solaris machines to shared server ||environment with a minimum downtime of few minutes using various methods like ||mirroring, deporting and importing EMC volumes, configured high availability ||shared server environment using Veritas cluster software, Implemented EMC power||path host base software for SCSI IO load balancing and automatic path failover,||Migrated database from E4500 machines to E6800 multi domain sun enterprise ||server, Configured LAN based Backup using Veritas NETBACKUP and SAN based ||backup using EMC replication Manager tool and shell scripts. || ||General Duties : ||Installing oracle binaries 7.x/8.x/9.x/10gR1, creating databases, upgrading ||databases 7x/8.x/9.x configuring kernel parameters, reorganizing databases, ||migrating VLDB using transport tablespace, performance tuning, SQL Tuning, ||configuring remote backups using RMAN & Netback up, recovering database in case||of media recovery, Supporting oracle optional products like Oracle Spatial ||Data, Oracle Intermedia, Oracle Internet File System, providing reports and ||discussing with management for capacity planning, providing weekly status ||reports, attending change control meetings, and taking ownership for critical ||problems. || ||Developed company standard for Solaris machines like disk layouts with respect ||to application best practices, naming convention, etc. and automated Solaris ||Installation using Jump Start Server. ||Configured HBA to use EMC disk array(FA ports) encapsulated EMC LUN's into ||Veritas volume manager ||Automated EMC snapshot or shot splits for all the databases using shell ||scripts. ||Setup and Configure Disaster recovery site using EMC replication technology and||SharePlex 5.2. ||Installed and configured Oracle10g Real Application Cluster used ASM for disk ||management. ||Configure Logic/physical standby database for reporting and high availability. ||Configured LAN Backup for OS, Oracle using RMAN(Oracle agent) and SQL ||Server(SQL Server agent) Veritas NetBackup. || ||Implemented Oracle Streams downstream capture for real time change data ||capture. ||Developed Oracle Standards for database Layout and followed Optimal Flexible ||architecture ||Mostly used VXFS, OCFS, ASM, UFS, NTFS, HTFS, Veritas Cluster file system for ||Oracle RAC on Solaris. ||Configured Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) on Linux and Solaris. || ||Oracle DB Upgrades Project: ||Upgraded around 60 oracle database instances from 7.x to 8i/9i and from 8.x to ||9i release. || ||Implemented and Configured Oracle Enterprise Manager for database monitoring ||and database alerts, used Diagnostic and tuning pack for performance analysis. || ||SQL Server Maintenance: ||Installed SQL server 2000 under Active/Passive cluster environment. Created & ||registered databases, Configured mails agent, applied service packs & security ||"hot fixes", migrated databases from one machine to another machine. Managed ||User security, Used DTS package to load and unload data from flat file, spread ||data file on different LUN to avoid data access and update contention. ||Configured snapshot and transactional replication environment for reporting. || ||DB2 UDB 8.2 Database Maintenance ||Installed, configured, applied fix packs, upgraded, configured HACMP, ||configured SAN/Network backup using EMC Replication manager and veritas ||netbackup, performance tuning, SQL tuning, analyzed system using snapshot & ||DB2Top monitoring and providing reports for capacity planning, managed ||security, integrated with LDAP, implemented and supported DPF(Data ||Partitioning), troubleshooted for any errors, analyzed db2diag.log / ||notification log / memory tracker / db2pd etc. || ||Environment ||OS Platforms: Sun Solaris 5,6,7,8,9, Win2k ||Hardware Platform: Sun Fire 280, V880, 3800, 6800. HP DL580's, DEL 2250 etc ||Software : Oracle 7.3.4, 8i,9iR2, Oracle Enterprise Manager, shareplex 5.2 , ||Spotlight, ERWIN 3.5 etc ||Storage Area Network: EMC Sym 5 Symmetrix 8xxx, Clariion CX600/500. SunT3 etc. ||Alliance Funding - | Senior DBA | June |May 2000 ||New York | |1996 | || || ||Data Center Migrations: ||In charge of relocation of all databases from New Jersey to Orange Burg, NY ||data center, and collaborated with Sun Team, Firewall team, Storage team, etc. || ||Installed Oracle binaries 7.x/8.0.x/8i, configured and tuned Unix kernel / ||Oracle init.ora parameters, SQL/Database/SQL* Net Tuning, reorganized data ||warehousing databases, Implemented Veritas Quick IO, Implemented security audit||using triggers, partitioned large tables for better performance, ||Migration/upgraded database 7.3.x to 8.1.x, Configured ODBC gateways for oracle||and non-oracle databases, and Loaded data using SQL Loader. || ||Supported all the production, staging and development databases; including data||warehousing. Worked closely with the implementation team; providing valuable ||suggestions during pilot testing and before moving into production. Automated ||manual jobs and day to day activity to minimize human errors, provided capacity||planning reports for future forecasting to minimize unscheduled downtime. ||Monitored and tuned databases and operating system for better performance and ||efficient utilization of resources. || ||Handled 20 database instances Installing oracle 7.3.4, 8i on Solaris 2.5/2.6, ||configured kernel parameters, configured backup, used EBU and later migrated to||RMAN. Installed Unix machines, configured quick IO, Installed veritas volume ||manager initializing/encapsulating Disk Drivers, configured RAID 0 + 1. Enabled||Dynamic Multipathing (DMP) for A5200 fiber channel disk array. || ||Configured jump start servers for Sun Solaris, automated the whole process by ||writing shell scripts, and installed Veritas Volume manager & Legato for ||backup. || ||Environment ||OS Platforms: Sun Solaris 5,6 Win NT 4.0 ||Hardware Platform: Sun E6500, E4500, E3500, Sun Ultra sparc, etc ||Software : Oracle 7.3.4, 8i ||Storage Area Network: Sun A1000, Sun D1000, A5200 | |