
  Resumes starting with S
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Server                                       48288   US-MI-Detroit             
Server                                       73008   US-OK-Bethany             
Server                                       T6X 2A3 US-AB-Edmonton            
Server                                       32793   US-FL-Winter Park         
Server                                       32899   US-FL-Orlando             
Server                                       T1S 2P4 US-AB-Okotoks             
Server                                       90899   US-CA-Long Beach          
Server                                       V2N 7A8 US-BC-Prince George       
Server                                       32793   US-FL-Winter Park         
Server                                       95609   US-CA-Carmichael          
Server                                       94557   US-CA-Hayward             
server                                       11256   US-NY-Brooklyn            
Server                                       89199   US-NV-Las Vegas           
Server                                       L7E 5R9 US-ON-Brampton            
Server                                       19255   US-PA-Philadelphia        
Server                                       71166   US-LA-Shreveport          
Server                                       M9N 2Y9 US-ON-TORONTO             
Server                                       N9K 1G5 US-ON-Windsor             
Server                                       50391   US-IA-Urbandale           
Server                                       V7Y 1L2 US-BC-Vancouver           
Server                                       07727   US-NJ-Farmingdale         
Server                                       95759   US-CA-Elk Grove           
Server                                       27888   US-NC-Walstonburg         
Server                                       75398   US-TX-Dallas              
SERVER                                       32198   US-FL-Daytona Beach       

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