
  Resumes starting with S
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Server                                       06928   US-CT-Stamford            
server                                       92728   US-CA-Fountain Valley     
Server                                       19970   US-DE-Ocean View          
Server                                       83799   US-ID-Boise               
Server                                       95976   US-CA-Chico               
Server                                       80997   US-CO-Colorado Springs    
Server                                       92199   US-CA-San Diego           
Server                                       34786   US-FL-Windermere          
Server                                               US-NY-Queens              
Server                                       56972   US-DC-Washington          
Server                                       34120   US-FL-Naples              
Server                                       56972   US-DC-Washington          
Server                                       95348   US-CA-Merced              
Server                                       75398   US-TX-Dallas              
server                                       76096   US-TX-Arlington           
Server                                       10292   US-NY-New York City       
Server                                       31999   US-GA-Columbus            
Server                                       18344   US-PA-Mount Pocono        
Server                                               US----Miami               
Server                                       36530   US-AL-Elberta             
server                                       44077   US----Painesville         
Server                                               US----HOUSTON             
Server                                               US----Salinas             
Server                                               US----Philadelphia        
Server                                               US----Dover               

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