  Resumes starting with C
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Customer service                             75398   US-TX-Dallas              
Customer service                             45490   US-OH-Dayton              
Customer service                             T6X 2A3 US-AB-Edmonton            
customer service                                     AE----Sharjah             
Customer service                                     IN----Mumbai              
Customer Service                                     US-Ga-Johannesburg        
customer service                                     KE----                    
Customer Service                             17019   US-PA-Dillsburg           
Customer Service                             43130   US-OH-Lancaster           
Customer service                                     IN----Ghaziabad           
Customer Service                                     US-Se-Subang Jaya         
Customer Service                                     US-Se-Subang Jaya         
Customer Service                             92663   US-CA-Newport Beach       
Customer Service                             14120   US-NY-North Tonawanda     
Customer service                                     IN----Bengaluru           
Customer Service                                     US-La-Lagos               
Customer Service                             23551   US-VA-Norfolk             
Customer Service                             53295   US-WI-Milwaukee           
Customer Service                             77299   US-TX-Houston             
Customer Service                             84606   US-UT-Provo               
Customer Service                             T3Z 3W2 US-AB-Calgary             
Customer Service                                     IN----Bilaspur            
Customer Service                             98229   US-WA-Bellingham          
Customer service                                     KE----Eldoret             
customer service                             46082   US-IN-Carmel              

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