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Manufacturing Technician ( Lanham, MD ) 13903
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Manufacturing Technician ( Lanham, MD ) 13903
12 Month Contract

Pay Rate: $30-40/hr

US Ciitizenship Required

Primarily preform assembly operations on Space Flight hardware including electronic and/or mechanical assemblies and subassemblies such as CCA's ECA's and cables. Works from diagrams and drawings. Performs ink marking, applies Polymeric materials such as bonding, staking and conformal coating. Solder all types of components such as fine pitch, J-lead, SMT and through hole. Makes continuity checks on work in process and completed. May conduct peer inspections on assemblies in accordance with quality specifications. May disassemble, modify, rework and reassemble flight, experimental or prototype assemblies and subassemblies according to specifications and under simulated conditions. Some overtime, evenings and weekends, may be required to meet program schedules.

Basic qualifications:
High School Diploma/GED
5 years' experience.
Soldering fine pitch components, Soldering Space Flight components, J-STD-001 with Space Addendum certification,
NASA 8739.1 certification.

Preferred qualification:
NASA 8739.1
NASA 8739.4

Component lead forming

TalentPro Consulting

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