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Front End Developer Location: IN-Indore Jobcode: 654893f4d82c772181a44c5e Email Job
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Minimum Qualification: B.E. in Computer Science or Electronics Engineering or similar field from anaccrediteduniversitywithminimum3 - 10yearsof relevantexperience Experience: (link removed)thisrolerequiresenoughknowledgeandskillstoeffectivelydealwithissues, challenges, anddevelopproducts andsolutions. Objective/Purpose: To ensure success as a Software engineer you shall have a strong passion for work and the ability toturn complex product /tool requirements into simple/optimal technical solutions and be accountablefortheassignedtechnicaldeliverables. KeyResponsibilities: - Determining the structure and design of user interfaces for both desktop as well aswebapplications.
- Develop the service model as per API management best practices and SOAP/ RESTdesignparadigms.
- Createuserdashboardsforreportingandanalytics.
- BuildUImock-upsanddeliver demo.
- Ensuringuserexperiencedeterminesdesignchoices.
- Developingfeaturestoenhancetheuserexperience.
- Strikingabalance betweenfunctionalandaestheticdesign.
- Ensuringwebdesignisoptimizedforsmartphones.
- Buildingreusablecodeforfutureuse.
- Optimizingwebpagesformaximumspeedandscalability.
- Utilizinga varietyofmarkuplanguagestowritewebpages.
- Maintainingbrandconsistencythroughoutdesign.
- Compile and analyze data, processes, and codes to troubleshoot problems andidentify areasfor improvement.
- Collaborating with the back-end developers and other team members to establishobjectives and design more functional, cohesive codes to enhance the userexperience.
- Develop solutions that complies with coding standards enforced through staticanalyserssuchas SonarQube.
- Participate in all aspects of SDLC (analysis, design, coding, testing and implementation). Work within an Agile team, participating in ceremonies related to the Agile framework.
- Support cross-functional teams in testing, deploying, and maintaining theproduct/tool
- Developing ideas for new programs, products, or features by monitoring industrydevelopments andtrends.
- Recordingdataandreportingit toproperparties,suchasclientsorleadership.
- Participating in continuing education and training to remain current on bestpractices, learn new programming languages, and better assist other teammembers.
- Takingleadonprojects asandwhenneeded.
- Workwithteammemberstoimprovedesign,codingpractices.
TechnicalExpertise: Required: UnderstandingofkeyUIdesignprinciples. Proficiency with UI development using HTML, CSS, JavaScript andjQuery. Understandingofserver-sideCSS, Angular 6+, Bootstrap. Experiencewithresponsiveandadaptivedesign. UnderstandingofSEOprinciples. Goodproblem-solvingskills. Excellentverbalcommunicationskills. Goodinterpersonalskills. Proficient experience using advanced JavaScript libraries and frameworks such asAngular Experience with standard set of frontend developments tools including IDEs, buildframeworks, sourcecodecontrol, material UI, typescript, charts, grids, Jiraandother ALMtools. Apassionfortechnologywithdemonstratedabilitytolearnquickly. Strong understanding of the frontend application development cycle andprogrammingtechniquesandtools. Focusonefficiency,userexperience,andprocess improvement. Excellentprojectandtimemanagementskills. Strongproblemsolvingandverbalandwrittencommunicationskills. Abilityto workindependentlyorwith agroup. UnixandShell scriptingbasics isa plus. Ability to participate in working sessions that result in clear requirements andtechnical design while working with technical, non-technical members of SCRUMteam.
Desired: UnderstandinginEnergy&Utilitiessolutions. ApplicationDevelopmenton AWSCloud
Avtech Software Services (I) Pvt Ltd