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Research Associate
US-NY-New York - 10016
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MeiraGTx Holdings PLC (New York, NY) is seeking a Research Associate to complete general laboratory maintenance and record keeping. Collaborate with current lab members. Conduct molecular cloning and subcloning using standard restriction enzyme-based and seamless DNA fragment based-assembly techniques. Propagate and purify plasmids. Construct plasmid libraries for downstream high throughput assays. Maintain mammalian cell lines or primary cultures. Transient expression of transgenes in mammalian cell lines. Protein quantification and characterization using techniques such as SDS-PAGE, western blotting, ELISA, qPCR, flow cytometry, and fluorescence microscopy. Write up concise research reports/presentations and provide periodic updates to the team.

Position requires a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent in a life science discipline, such as Biology, Biochemistry, or Biotechnology (foreign equivalent accepted) and 1 year of related lab experience. The salary is $75,566 per year.

Send resumes to MeiraGTx Holdings PLC, Job Code ACD1024, Attn: S. Taylor, 430 E 29th St, New York, NY 10016.

S. Taylor
MeiraGTx Holdings PLC
430 E 29th St
New York, NY 10016

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