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Marketing Associate
US-CA-West Hollywood
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Job Description:
- Research marketability in the restaurant industry.
- Develop market profiles and present opportunities in new markets and growth potential in current markets.
- Gather data on competitors and analyze pricing trends, sales and margins.
- Assist the analysts in examining statistical data to forecast marketing trends and methods.
- Conduct website research on customer preferences, pricing points and trends.
- Monitor and summarize industry publication and collect data on customer preferences and buying habits.

West Hollywood, CA

- Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, Business, Sociology or related

Send resume to:
Gozen LLC (dba Sushi Gozen); 521 N. La Cienega Blvd. West Hollywood, CA 90048

Hideaki Hosono
Gozen LLC
521 N. La Cienega
West Hollywood, CA

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