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 Curriculum Vitae

                                                                     PHONE NUMBER AVAILABLE CHENNAI)
                                                   Candidate's Name
                                                                     PHONE NUMBER AVAILABLE Delhi)

                                          P rofessional S umma ry
      Offering a well-honed 4 years experience and seeking challenging assignments
      i n t he f ield of I T t hat would facilitate t he maximum u tilization and
      application of my b road skills and expertise i n making a positive d ifference to
      t he organization.

 A h ighly competent, result-oriented B.E. (Computer Science) p rofessional w ith
 good academic background; demonstrated ability to manage m ultiple p riorities
 i n a r apidly changing environment; E thical, loyal and maintain a h igh degree of

           Persuasive communicator w ith an ability to relate to people a t a ll

           levels of business and management
           Possess valuable i nsights, keen analysis and a team approach to

           i mplement best p ractices to achieve business excellence
           Works well i n d iverse teams to achieve goals t hrough effective

           communication and i nterpersonal skills
           Possess valuable i nsights, keen analysis and a team approach to

           i mplement best p ractices to achieve business excellence


            Degree                                      University            Year of P assing

  B. E. with
                                     Vaish College of E ngineering      2010
  specialization i n
  Computer Science
    Post Graduate in                 Symbiosis University                2012
       I nformation

Ce r t i f i ca t i on s
         Certification in Siemens Teamcenter UA (PLM Software)
         a) TC-Installation
         b) Using Teamcenter Unified Architecture
         c) TC UA-Data Model Administration
         d) Teamcenter Customization
         e) TC UA-In tegration for NX Users
         f) NX-Essentials for NX Designers
       QuE ST Roll s-Royce cent er u pgra ded the P L M sy st em f rom NX6.0 to N X 7.5 an d
         Teamcenter 8.0 to T eam cent er 8.3 successfu l ly
       Certificate i n Java Pr ogra mm i n g L angu age u si n g Java SE6
D i pl oma in Pr odu ct D esign (A u t oCA D , N X CA D , Soli d W orks)
  Operati n g Syst ems     Wi nd ows 98/2000/07/X P/vista /Wi nd ows 7

  L angu ages              Basic of C, C++ an d Core J av a

  D atabases               Basic of SQL Ser v er 2005

  PDM / P L M              T eam cent er Un i fied A rch i tecture 8.0 ,8.3 & 9.1
  A pplicati on s
  Packages                 M S Office 2003/2007

  Kn owledge               Classi ficati on , Ch ange M an ager an d Resou rce M an ager

       O ther Pa r ticulars
               Stood 2nd i n Calligraphy competition and Group Song competition at
            School Level.
              Participated in all school activities.


 . GEOMETRIC LTD. CHENNAI (TAMILNADU) From 11TH Nov.2013 To Till Date.
A t present working with Geometric Limited as SEN IOR APPL ICAT ION
P ROGRAM MER and working with FORD-I N D IA.

         P roject Title            : C3PNG SD_SMW

         P roject Type              : Software Development & maintenance

      T eam Size                   : 45

      C lient                      : Ford I N D IA

      T echnology                  : Teamcenter UA 9.1, Shell Script, VB Script

      R ole                   : P ackaging & Release

C3PNG SD SMW Team provides the development solution to fix the current
p roduction issues from Ford C3PNG Applications. Production issues from various
applications and integration tools includes Teamcenter engineering 2007.1 and
Teamcenter 9.1 with P2.0 Ford custom functionalities, Catia, Catia Manager, Ideas,
NGTDM, TcVis, Manufacturing E2Ks, FIDES,RobCAD. This team has different
work streams to resolve issues for different C3PNG applications like Teamcenter,
E TS, CAD, Manufacturing, TcVis and Security.


  B uilding up and configuring the development and integration environments which
a re clone of production sites.

  Configure, and deploy Teamcenter applications utilizing 2-t ier and 4 t ier client
and server side in tegration for FORD setup

  Deploy Major Patch releases from Siemens in FORD setup.

  Developed shell scripts and VB Scripts to automate the installation process of
various production fixes and to update the configuration files with site specific

  Creating Users, Groups, Roles in Teamcenter and monitoring the access levels.

  End to End assistance for the development and testing activities from all work
s treams in SMW

  Worked on startup scripts and Automation Scripts in UN IX shell programming
and VB Script programming for Teamcenter startup scripts.

  Fixing environment related issues like multisite, ETS etc.
  Monitoring the processes on the application servers.

  Packaging, installing and testing the production fixes in development and
i ntegration environments.

  Create a simple and detailed instructions for the production deployment

               - S INCE 4T H Oct.2011 TO 31st Oct.2013.
     Worked with Expert Global Solution and working was with outsourcing client
     Q UEST     GLOBAL and who is offshore site of ROLLS-ROYCE AT

             Looking was as P L M CONSULTANT                     and worked on Teamcenter
         A dministration and support.

 P r oj ect N a me

             M u l ti-site Colla borati on w i th Roll s-Royce
 Cl i ent/ I ndu stry
                            ROL L S-ROY CE / Aer ospace
 Service T y pe             A pplicati on A dm in & Suppor t

 Role                       PL M A dm i n istrat or

 Or gan i zati on           Expert G l obal Soluti on s

 Lo cati on                 Bangalore

 D u rati on                2 years

 T eam Size                 2

 Envir on m ent             Soft w are     T eam cent er UA, Oracle 10 g
                       Use to publish an d ex por t parts to H UB (M u l tisite) f r om
Pr oject
                       QuE ST ( I nd ia) to
D escr i pti on
                               Publish in g and U n-publish in g objects
                               U tili ties u sed f or M u l t i -Si te Colla borati on f u n cti onal i ty
                               (data_share, data_sy n c, ex por t_r ecovery )
Respon sibilit ies
                               Ex ecute Rem ote qu ery
                               Im por t an d export objects on M u lt isite
                               Use t he install util i ty t o regen erate t h e POM sch em a

P r oj ect N a me

        T eam cent er A pplicati on A dm i n istrati on an d Suppor t
Cl i ent/ I ndu stry
                       ROL LS -ROYCE / Aer ospace
Service T y pe         A pplicati on A dm in & Su ppor t

Role                   PL M A dm i n istrat or

Or gan i zati on       Expert G l obal Soluti on s

Lo cati on             Bangalore

D u rati on            2 years

T eam Size             2

Envir on m ent         Soft w are           -   T eam cent er UA, Oracle 10 g
                       Used to w ork i n an or gan i zati on i n T eam cent er, est ablish
Pr oject               access con t r ols f or or gan i zati on            i n f or m ati on ,    create
D escr i pti on
                       queries      an d    rep or ts,     build     w ork f l ow pr ocesses, assi gn
                               Or gan i zati on act ivi t ies create user, gr oup , and person
                               Perf or m i n g and m an agi n g search es
                               W orki n g       in     Pr ojects   to   assi gn   pr ojects   to   t he
                               u ser, assi gn pr ojects to objects
                               Open i n g and v iewing p rodu ct s tructu r e
Respon sibilit ies
                               Classi fying and usi n g st and ard p rodu ct data
                               W ork F l ow D esign er an d V i ew er: Use of W ork f l ow
                               V i ew er to assi gn task s, perf or m s t ask s, an d t racks
                               t he completi on of t ask s i n a w ork f l ow pr ocess
                               Usi n g Change m an ager

P r oj ect N a me

        T eam cent er En h an cem ents   Con fi gurati on and Cu st omi zati on Acti v i ties
Cl i ent/ I ndu stry
                       QUEST GLOBAL
Service T y pe         En h an cem ents

Role                   D ev eloper

Or gan i zati on       Ex pert G l obal Soluti on s

Lo cati on             Bangalore

D u rati on            2 mon ths

T eam Size             1

                                            -        M icr osoft v isu al stu di o, Java , C ,C++,Xm l
Envir on m ent         Soft w are
                                                     s t y le sheet, Stand alon e B M IDE
                       T eam cent er Con fi gurati on /Im plem entati on and C lient si de
Pr oject
                       cust omi zati on
D escr i pti on
                                   Batch pr ogra m -query
                                   Batch pr ogra m -f ol der
                                   Batch pr ogra m -i tem
                                   Batch pr ogra m -object
 Respon sibilit ies                User E xits
                                   Cu st om user exit
                                   Cu st om hand lers
                                   Rich client   U I f orm w i th X M L sty le sheets

 P r oj ect N a me

          T eam cent er I m plem entati on - B M IDE Con fi gurati on and D ata M o del
 C l i ent/
                           QUEST GLOBAL
 I ndu stry Ver t ical
 Service T y pe            Im plem entati on / Cust omi zati on / A pplicati on A dm i n istrati on

 Role                      Im plem entati on E ngi n eer

 Or gan i zati on          Expert G l obal Soluti on s

 Lo cati on                Bangalore

 D u rati on               2 mon ths

 T eam Size                1

 Envir on m ent            Soft w are         -   T eam cent er Un i fied, B M IDE
                           T eam cent er I m plem entati on
Pr oject D escr i pti on
                           - B M IDE Con fi gurati on and D ata M o del D epl oyment
                               Create a f orm bu sin ess object
                               Create f orm bu sin ess object pr operti es
                               Con fi gure pr operty con stant
                               Create L OV i n t erface
                               A dd l ist of v al u es
                             L ist of v al u es t y pes A t t ach m ent of L OV on t h e
                           pr operti es of it em
                               Create F i l t er, Cascadi ng, I n t er dependent L OV
                               Create new cust om r elati on s

Respon sibilit ies             Create new r elati on p roperty con stant
                               Create new r elati on bu sin ess object
                               Create a dataset bu sin ess object an d A dd a t ool
                               Set u p t h e dataset nam ed ref erence
                               Con fi gure D ataset v iew an d open
                               Creati n g a cust om i tem , f or m , att ri but e, Cascade
                               L OV

P r oj ect N a me

        T eam cent er I n stallati on an d Con fi gurati on Activiti es

Cl i ent/
                        QUEST GLOBAL
I ndu stry Ver t ical
Service T y pe          Im plem entati on Suppor t

Role                    PL M A dm i n istrat or / I m plem entati on E ngi n eer

Or gan i zati on        Expert G l obal Soluti on s

Lo cati on              Bangalore

D u rati on             2 w eeks
 T eam Size             1

                                                  T eam cent er UA, Oracle 10 g
 Envir on m ent         Soft w are

                        - I n stallati on of T eam cent er 2 T ier and 4 T ier and i ts
 Pr oject
                        associat ed applicati on s
 D escr i pti on
                        - D istri but ed I n stallati on of T eam cent er 8.1 & 8.3
                              I n stallati on of T CUA 8.1 & 8.3 u sin g R ich client Two
                                 t ier and R ich clien t Fou r t ier archi t ecture (D atabase
                                 Serv er, V ol u m e ser v er an d por tal wi t h w eb clien t) on
                                 s in gle m ach i n e.
                               I n stallati on of Oracle database ser v er an d con fi gure
                             L istener
                                 I n stallati on of Common L icensin g Ser v er
 Respon sibilit ies
                                 I n stallati on of Cor porate Serv er
                                 I n stallati on of f ou r tier r ich client by T EM and
                                 Ov er -the-W eb i n staller
                               I n stallati on of J2E E -based Ser v er m an ager an d W eb
                             T ier
                                 I n stall in g and accessing T eam cent er on li n e H E L P
                                 I n stall in g T eam cent er i n t erface w ith M icr osoft O ffice

            SCR INFOTECH DELHI. ( Since 2nd August 2010 to 12th sept. 2011)
            Proven acumen to develop effective projects as Software Development.
      : Excellent knowledge of diversified development environment in core Java Multithreading
   Class loading, Java APIs, Java I/O, etc)
      -Deep understanding of object oriented approach to software in IDE like Eclipse, Net Beans
   : - Basic experience in Database concepts.
      Project: Conversion of Glass Fish project created in Net Beans into an Eclipse compatible
      Technology: Java Database Connectivity 4, Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1, Java Architecture for

      XML Binding and Java API for XML Web Services 2.2, and Java DB 10.5.3.Project Description:

      The goal of this project was to develop a means to convert a Glass Fish  project that had been

      created in Net Beans into an Eclipse compatible project.The project was completed in three

      phase. The manual conversion of a set of Glass Fish

      projects, which were created in Net Beans, into Eclipse compatible projects.

Academic Project


 W indows 98/2000/07/XP/vista/Windows 7



   1   Asp.Net, AJAX, SQL Server2005

P roject Description
P roject was to maintain the information about students, faculty,
and placement cell of college on server. I t facilitates the parents
to check their child s information and students can download
notes and syllabus which is uploaded by the faculty of college. I t
a lso maintains the record of the company information news and
p lacement of students.

P ersonal Vitae
                                  1st February, 1987
Date of Bir th:
L anguages known:                 E nglish
Location Preferred:               NCR Delhi
Passport no                          H 8944120
Passport Valid date                 21-01-2020
References:                  Would be furnished upon request

 ( Deepak S harma)

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